Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

I wasn’t lying when I said there wasn’t much to see, so our little tour ended quickly. Rosie and I picked a good place for lunch and walked around a bit. I couldn’t help but continually stare at Rosie’s ring. It was so gorgeous. I just zone out for a second and think about everything. I am so happy for Rosie and Harry. They are truly perfect for eachother and I’m so glad they got over the few rough spots. I know I want to marry Louis one day, but we’re taking it slow. Sometimes I wish we could just get married already, but I don’t know how he feels about it. Maybe we should talk about it? I guess I can try. I’ll get around to it...

Rosie waves her hand in front of my face and I shake my deep thoughts. Lou asks from across the table, “You ok, babe?” I smile and nod. He continues, “What are you thinking about?” I hesitate, but respond, “Oh, you know, everything, Harry and Rosie...and us.” He smiles and he knows to ask me later. I can just tell. I guess I should prepare something to say then... We all get back to my house and hang out and play some good old fashioned board games. It’s all fun and games, but everyone is really competitive. As Liam is picking out the next game, Lou nudges me and whispers, “Hey, do you want to go outside and talk?” I say yes and we walk out to my backyard. I sit down and let my legs hang into the pool. Lou sits down right next to me and we look out into the sky for a few minutes. Finally, we look at each other and I start, “So, I’m guessing you want a better answer to your question earlier?” He nods and I take a deep breath. “I guess... I was just thinking... about... our relationship.”  I’m not really sure what I’m going to say next so that is why I’m saying everything very slowly. Good thing he interrupts me, “You’re really happy for Rosie and Harry and seeing them get engaged made you think about us and our relationship and you want to move faster. Please tell me that is what you were going to say or else I sound very stupid.” I sit there for a minute, dumbfounded that he said exactly what I was thinking. Instead of answering him, I just lean in and kiss him. He pulls back and says, “I’ll take that as a yes?” I nod and kiss him again.

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