Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

We take our final few steps up to the balloon, and it is fully inflated. I put my hand over my mouth and take out my phone. I want to snap a picture of Louis and I with the balloon in the background. Just as I click the button Louis turns and kisses me on the cheek. I almost drop my phone because I am not ready, but I catch it. I turn and kiss him back. He is the best boyfriend ever. I look at the picture, and it is adorable, it totally describes our relationship, Louis is there being adorable, and next to him is me, with a weird expression of surprise and happiness on my face. I go and make it my background, and I send it to him, too. We all step in the hot-air balloon, this is so exciting, I have never been in a hot-air balloon. The hot-air balloon attendant unravelled the rope and let the balloon loose. We start to ascend and I lean in to Louis’s shoulder. “Ready, babe?” he asks. I nod. I see Rosie on the opposite side of the balloon basket with her head on Harry’s shoulder. They were talking, I decided to strike up some small talk with Louis. “So...” I start. “Yes?” he asks. “Hmmm I don’t know I just wanted to talk.” I say. “Okay, love, about what?” “Anything” I say, not being helpful. “Ok. Well, how about we talk about you first?” He asks. “Sure, what do you want to know?” I say. He thinks for a minute, then asks me about my family. “Well, I’m an only child...” I start, and he says “Wow! That must be nice. I love my sisters, but sometimes...well you’ve seen how siblings can be.” I laugh and continue talking about pets and my extended family and continue to say, “Sorry if this is boring...” Louis kisses my forehead and says, “I could listen to you talk for days, Chloe, you are nothing close to boring.” I begin to tear up and hide my face in his sweatshirt. “You alright, babe?” I nod, not able to get any words out. I finally gush what I’ve been thinking about. “Louis, I’ve been thinking, I love you so much, and this relationship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are so perfect, and we are perfect together. It’s just..” I start crying even harder, “What’s going to happen when you have to leave the state or even the country? Can we keep up a long distance relationship? What about the millions of other girls?” He takes a deep breath, smiles, and says, “Chloe, I love you. I don’t think I can spend a day without you. I was going to wait a few days, but since you brought it up now. I have a question to ask you.”

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