Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Rosie nudges me as we walk to the back of the bus, “Told you sooooo.” “Yeah, yeah...” I respond. “Aren’t you excited?” she asks. “Are you kidding me?! Of course” I almost yell. Rosie takes a deep breath and says “I have something to tell you.” In my head, I am thinking, ‘It’s about Zayn I know it!’ She says, “Well when you left for a few minutes earlier....Zayn and I......we kissed.” I try to act surprised even though I already know. My eyes widened and I say “What?!” Rosie sits down, “Yeah...I know I just couldn’t help myself. He’s just so perfect.” I tell her that it doesn’t matter, she is with Harry. “I know! I don’t know what to do! Should I tell Harry? I feel so bad.” She tells me. “Yes definitely tell Harry. Tell him exactly what you told me, how bad you feel and everything and maybe he will forgive you.” Rosie is stifling her tears, “I just.... I made a mistake. Harry and I aren’t even official yet....technically.” I try to tell her that it doesn’t really matter what’s official or not. “I’ll go with you if you want when you tell him. Moral support.” I say. “Yeah, that would be awesome. Thanks so much Chloe I knew I could count on you.” She says with a smile and we go back out to the boys.

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