Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

This is all too much for the day. It’s barely 6:00 in the morning and I’ve probably already cried out all the tears I can produce. Rosie and I walk back to the boys and I sit on Lou’s lap and wrap my arms around his neck. He looks up at me and smiles. “You alright now?” he says. I nod and smile and kiss him on the cheek. We sit around for awhile and Rosie and I read some magazines that we bought. Finally, it is time for our flight and we board the plane. I sit in between Louis and Zayn and behind us are Harry, Rosie, and Niall. I’m so tired, I almost instantly fall asleep on Louis’s shoulder. I don’t know how long I was asleep, but I slowly wake up to Lou and Zayn whispering over my head. I sit up and Lou says, “Well look here, the princess is awake! Did we wake you, babe?” I rub my eyes and shake my head. Maybe they did, I don’t know, but it’s fine I should probably be awake because I don’t know when we are arriving to New York. Soon after, the flight attendant comes around with food. She hands me something that looks delicious. “I just ordered you something that I thought you would like, hope this is ok.” I open the bread of the sandwich, still not knowing what it is, so I take a bite. It was delicious. “You know me so well,” I say. He smirks and begins eating, too. Louis, Zayn, and I talked the rest of the way to New York about the tour among many other things, too. Right as we step out of the plane and into the airport, there is a huge mob of people. Paul and some other guards clear a pathway for us and we scurry through as fast as possible. I turn my head toward Louis’s shoulder as he wraps his arm around me. We run out of the airport and get in the car that is waiting for us outside. One of the guards says he will stay and pick up the luggage. Everyone’s breath is heavy and we all are silent for a few minutes. Finally, Harry breaks the silence and says, “Welcome to New York everyone!” We all smile and sigh a breath of relief because we’re here now.

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