Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The boys had a break from concerts for a few days, so they could either fly to their next destination, or stay in Texas. The fact that this is a decision makes me nervous. Louis says “Chloe, can I talk to you back here?” as he got up and motioned toward the back rooms. I am almost shaking and he says, “Are you okay babe?” I nod and smile, “What do you want to talk about?” He smiles and hugs me, “So, I’m sure you know about our decision of what to do next, yeah? Well, we have made a decision that we will stay in Texas!” I am elated, oh gosh I’m so happy they’re not leaving this fast. “Really?! Yay!” I say and he can hear the excitement in my voice. He gives me a kiss and says “I never want to leave my girlfriend.” “Girlfriend?” I ask. “Well I hope it’s ok that I call you that now” he asks. “Of course! Boyfriend!” I say so ecstatic. We kiss again and go back out to the main sitting area holding hands. “Well here are the two lovebirds!” Liam says. “Well now that it’s official” Louis says with a wink and looks at me. A collective “Oooooh” comes from the boys and Rosie.

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