Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

The next morning I wake up still unsure about what will ensue today. I honestly don’t know why I’m making such a big deal about it. I know I trust Lou with all my heart, it’s just her, what if she tries something. I can never be too sure. I shake the thoughts out of my head and get up to put some clothes on for the day. The rest of the lads aren’t doing anything today. I think Harry and Rosie are going to a movie or something, but I’m just going to stay with the boys at the hotel. Lou is still asleep so I nudged his shoulder to get up. He groans and mumbles, “I don’t want to.” I sit down next to him and say, “I know I know, you have to, love, remember?” I slipped on some sweats and an old t-shirt, Louis put on basketball shorts and a t-shirt with a beanie. I give him a big hug and he kisses me softly. “Love you, have fun today” I say with his arms still wrapped around me. He kisses my forehead and we slowly pull apart. I wave as he steps on the elevator to go to the lobby as I walk down the hall to the lads’ room. I knock on the door and Liam comes to open it. “Hey Chloe!” “Hi Liam” I say with a yawn. I step inside and the other lads greet me. “I hope we’re not going anywhere today because I’m not dressed to be seen by anyone.” Niall laughs and says, “Well we are seeing you,” with his mouth half full of food. “Yeah you guys don’t count.” Liam adds from across the room, “Oh by the way nice shirt.” I look down and didn’t even realize the shirt I grabbed this morning was one of my “I love 1D shirts” I slap my forehead with my palm and say, “Thanks,” with a laugh. I sit down on the couch next to Zayn. He looks at me, “So we were just going to sit around and play video games today. It’s not often we get a day off.” “Sounds awesome. I need some distractions anyways.” He grabs a control and opens up some game. I don’t know what it is until the screen comes up. It reads ‘Call of Duty’ followed by some booms and crashes. I laugh and say, “You’re gonna have to show me the ropes...” Liam sits on the other side of me and grabs a control for himself as well as one for me. “We’re pretty professional if I do say so myself.” After about 15 minutes, they have taught me everything I need to know, with the exception of a new tip here and there. I always thought my guy friends growing up were weird for liking this game, but it was actually kind of fun. We switch to a Mario party type game after a while. It gets pretty competitive which is fun. We order room service for lunch and enjoy it. Liam decides to do a twitcam after lunch and I’m pretty excited because I’ve never seen him do one, only watched them from my computer. He tweets to everyone that he will start one soon. And after we finish up with room service, he opens his computer and it’s just him and Niall at first. I don’t really know why Zayn isn’t there but he comes in shortly. They answer questions about the tour, signing, and some of the weirdest questions I’ve heard. All of the sudden I hear Liam say, “Any questions for our guest of the day, the lovely Chloe?” My head pops up and he turns his computer around to show me. I smile and wave, but as soon as he turns the computer back I shoot him a death glare. I made it clear I didn’t want people to see me. Now look, around 90,000 people have seen me at my finest.

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