Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

It’s a short walk of a few blocks to Ghirardelli  Square, where I planned to go next with Lou. We talk on the way down the steep streets of San Fran. We arrive at the famous square and Lou laughs, “Trying to fatten me up I see?” I laugh too, “No! Just showing you the best of the City.” We go in and try some chocolate samples. He buys me a package of the caramel squares, my favorite. “Thanks babe,” I say with a chocolate in my hand. I excuse myself to the restroom and call my mom. “Hi mom! It’s Chloe, Lou and I are in San Francisco and we’ll be down soon. Hope that’s okay.” “Of course that’s fine, see you soon.” I join Louis and tell him that we are going to a new city. We live about an hour south of San Francisco, so it’s a pretty short drive, but I will be driving since he has no idea where he’s going. This should be interesting. We take a taxi back to the hotel to get the car we rented. We start out of the city and get on the freeway, and of course hit traffic. He tries his charm to find out where we are going, I’m close to breaking again, but I don’t. To avoid it, I turn on the radio and find a good station. I know all the good stations since I grew up around here. We settle on one of those ‘mix’ stations. A bunch of songs play like Payphone, Chasing the Sun, The A Team, and Brokenhearted. We finally got off the freeway and were really close to my house, I think Lou figured it out when he saw the city limit sign, that we were going to see my family. When we pull up to my house, we walk up and Lou stops before the door and says, “I’m kind of nervous.” I look at him and tell him confidently, “Don’t be! You’re amazing,” and kiss his hand. He smiles and we walk in. I yell, “hellllooo?” My mom walks out and greets us. “Hi Chloe! How are you? How is traveling with the band? This must be Louis! Good to meet you! I’ve heard so much! I can’t believe my little Chloe is dating the boy she used to talk so much about!” I blush and nudge her and say “Mom!” Lou smiles and says, “It’s nice to meet you too! It’s lovely to finally meet my lovely Chloe’s mum.” He hugs her and pulls back to ask her, “So what exactly did Chloe used to say about me?” My eyes widen and I blush even more. Luckily my mom replies, “I don’t think I should tell you, that should by Chloe’s job.” I mouth ‘Thanks mom,’ and we all sit down in the living room. “Well mom, to answer your bombardment of questions, I’m doing well and touring is so much fun! I love it.” She smiles and looks at Lou, “I hope you’re taking good care of her.” He puts on his charming smile and says, “Yes ma’am I am.” This is so awkward. Make it end. Lou asks where the restroom is and I direct him down the hall. Once he’s a safe distance away, I tell my mom how awkward this is for me, and she apologizes and says she’ll try to make it less awkward. Lou comes back out and my mom asks him about One Direction, how he likes it, how he likes the lads, how long they’ve been together (like she doesn’t know), and a bunch more questions. I applaud her effort at the conversation. They are talking for probably an hour about One Direction and then Lou turns around the conversation, “I feel like I’ve been talking about myself too much, how about Chloe?” I place my hand on my forehead, they really want to talk about me, awesome.

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