Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

--one week later--

I have been up with my family the last few days and I haven’t talked to Rosie, Lou, or anyone. I’m in my room on my computer and I hear my phone buzz from across the room. Shortly after the buzz I hear “One Thing” which is my ringtone for Lou. I set my computer down and fumble across my room to get my phone. I open it to see a text from him that says “See you soon xx.” I am confused. Aren’t they still down in L.A.? Are they visiting? I have no clue I guess I’ll find out “soon.” I pace around my house because I don’t know what else to do and in about 10 minutes I hear a knock at the door. Then another knock and another and another. Well, I definitely know who’s here. As I’m walking to the door they all get more obnoxious shouting my name and ringing the door bell. Finally I get to the door, open it wide and say, “GOOD TO SEE YOU TOO!” They all laugh and Lou pulls me into a hug. “I missed you, babe.” He says squeezing me tighter. “I missed you too.” We’re in the middle of the doorway, so Harry pushes Lou forward and we stumble into the living room. I go around and hug the other lads and I tell them what’s been going on. They apologize and fill me in on what they did the last few days while I was gone. Mostly they laid low and hung out. “So..” I finally ask, “Why’d you guys come up here?” “To visit of course!” Niall responded. “Well..there’s not much to do here....” I say with a laugh. “Just give us a tour of the town or something!” Zayn says. Rosie and I shrug and agree. I grab my things from my room and I hear a knock on my door. Rosie lets herself in and I look at her, slightly baffled. “I have something to tell you, Chloe.” That was such a vague statement, I have no idea what to expect. She sticks out her left hand and I see a dazzling ring on her finger. My mouth drops open and I look at her shocked. We both scream a bit and Lou shouts from the living room, “You ladies all right?” I tell him yes and we head out. I give Harry a big smile when I see him out there. “Rosie told you, I see?” he said. I nod and say, “Congrats! I’m so excited!”

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