Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

We walk around town a bit, trying to go on unnoticed. We stop by a few little shops around Houston just to waste some time. We went into a little jewelry store on one street. Louis went off and was looking around I stayed with Harry, Rosie, and Niall. Zayn went off to look at some stuff too, though I’m not quite sure why. The four of us just walked around a bit, not really looking much, Harry asked Rosie if she wanted anything and she replied, “No, you’re everything I could ever want,” and he kissed her. We were all ready to leave, so Rosie and I walked around looking for the other two boys. We found Louis with a small bag in his hand, but I didn’t bother asking him what it was. We found Zayn with a similar bag, he opens it right away and takes out a gorgeous bracelet. “I just got this to say I’m sorry and I hope we can still be friends. I know it’s kind of late, but I thought this would be the perfect gift.” Rosie looks a little surprised but she takes it, knowing that it’s just an innocent gift and he places it around her wrist. “Thanks so much Zayn,” she says and gives him a hug. We walk out of the store and Louis stops me right in front of the door and says, “Chloe, here I have something for you,” as he starts to open his bag and takes out a beautiful necklace, “I love you, babe, and this is so you always remember that.” I turn around and he hooks it around my neck. I stand up on my toes and kiss him. “I love you too, Lou.” He places his arms around me and we link our hands together. I stand there in his embrace for a few minutes, before we all start to go. Harry reaches for Rosie’s hand and quickly notices Rosie’s new bracelet. He looks at it for a second and develops a confused look on his face and says, “Hey Rosie, what’s this new bracelet?” Rosie eyes widen, she bites her lip, and swallows hard. She says, “Oh...uh...I...” Harry cuts her off and says “It’s okay, love, what is it?” Rosie takes a deep breath and says quickly, “It’s nothing, Zayn just bought it for me.” Harry pulls back from her hand and shoots a sharp look at Zayn. Rosie tries to defend him and says, “It was a nice gift, Harry! Don’t overreact! He’s a friend, he was apologizing to me because he knows I love you and we both made a mistake!” Harry takes a deep breath and runs his hands through his curly mane. Zayn comes in and says, “Come on Harry, it’s nothing, calm down, I mean do you really think I would try another move again?” Harry looks at him and says, “I don’t know, Zayn....Well I guess not.” He takes Rosie’s hand again and looks at her and says, “I’m sorry, babe, I overreacted, and I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.” Rosie looks at him and says, “It’s okay Harry, I love you,” and rests her head on his shoulder.

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