Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Paul drops us off at the hotel and tells us that the boys have to be ready in 30 minutes to go to the venue for set up, sound check, and meet and greet. We get settled in the hotel and the other bodyguard brings our bags. Niall opens his suitcase, and takes out some food that he packed. I laugh and keep walking with Lou, we take one of the rooms with one queen sized bed. There was another room with a queen and a different room with two twins. One of the boys had to sleep on the futon in the sitting area. I felt bad for whoever got stuck with that, but I figure no one else wants to share a bed with Lou, so I don’t say anything. I sit on the bed, and Lou unzips his suitcase. He takes out an outfit that I recognize from many pictures that he wears to many concerts: red jeans and a white shirt with mostly red stripes and a few blue stripes. He takes off his shirt that he was wearing and I smile. He has a nice body and it’s all mine. Lou slides off his jeans, too so he’s just standing there in his boxers, looking at his clothes that he took out. I start giggling, but I try to cover my mouth. He looks over, and says, “What?” I smile even wider, and say, “Oh nothing.” He runs over and scoops me up, his bare chest is warm and I start laughing even more. He spins me around and lands me back on the bed, where I was sitting. I lie down and stare at the ceiling, while Lou puts his outfit on. I glance over as he slips on his skinny jeans. Dat ass. I bite my lip, so I would start giggling again, and look back up at the ceiling. He moves his suitcase and lies next to me. “Was I distracting you?” he asks. I nod and add, “Little bit...” with a laugh. We walk out to the sitting area and Niall, Liam, and Zayn are waiting, watching TV. Shortly after, Harry and Rosie walk in and we all stand up to leave. Paul is waiting for us and he drives to the venue. We hop out of the car and walk in quickly, the boys wave at the line of screaming fans, but can’t talk because they have to get ready.

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