Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second. Louis asks, “You okay, love?” I smile and say, “Yeah, just a little too much drama for a short amount of time. Thanks babe.” We continue walking down the street and have our first and only fan encounter of the day so far. A girl who looks about 13, comes up and says, “Um, excuse me, Harry Styles? Can I have an autograph please?” He smiles and signs her paper and says “Sure, love who should I make this out to?” She responds with ‘Angie’ and she walks away with the biggest smile on her face. We all watch her run back to her mom and then a minute later we hear her scream out of excitement. How cute. I could imagine myself doing that too, so I can’t blame her. All of them are so good with the fans, it’s awesome. I’m still a fan, just a privileged one. We start up walking again and discuss where we should go next. All of us agree on ice cream, Niall pulls out his phone to find the closest ice cream shop. Conveniently, it’s two streets over, so we can still walk. Once we get there, we all order different flavors. I get chocolate chip cookie dough and Louis gets vanilla with M n Ms. When we get our cups, Louis dips his finger in my whipped cream and touches my nose just enough so I get some whipped cream on my nose. “Hey!” I say and do the same to him. He kisses me on my nose and gets the whipped cream off and I push on his shoulders to reach his nose, so I can do the same. We are both laughing and everyone is staring at us, but who cares? It’s love, not everyone comes across this kind of love in their life, but I’m glad I did.

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