Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

We get to the restaurant and have dinner. Rosie and I pay this time because we insist since the boys have paid every time since we all met. We leave and find our way to the club. We enter even though Rosie and I are too young, the boys vouch for us. As we walk in, we see the lights and hear the music playing loudly. We walk straight to the dance floor, while Niall, Liam, and Zayn walk around to socialize. Louis pulls me in tight and we start to dance. Harry and Rosie start dancing nearby, too. Lou and I stay in the same position for probably 5 songs and he pulls back after a while and asks if I want a drink. I hesitate, but then shrug my shoulders and say, “Sure.” We head towards the bartender and Lou orders us two of some weird drink I had never heard of. I look down into it and wait, Louis takes a drink of his and says, “Woo! Just what I needed!” I take a sip and the taste is strong, but good. I vow only to have one because I don’t need to get drunk. Louis downs his pretty fast and we start dancing again. All of the sudden, he does his classic finger point when we’re dancing. I start to laugh and he says, “What, babe?” I smile at him and say, “Oh nothing...Just your classic drunken finger point...” He laughs too, maybe not even knowing what I’m talking about. Some random person with a camera comes up to us, neither of us know who she is, but we decide to pose and take a picture anyway. His hands are around my waist and we both smile. The photographer walks away and we don't think anything of it. We continue dancing and at one point we go off to the side and take a rest. Louis turns to me out of nowhere and begins to passionately kiss me. I go along at first, but realizing we're in public, I pull back and say, "Babe not here." He lets out a sigh amd pleads, "Why??" I look him straight in his gorgeous eyes and say, "Too public..." He frowns at me and takes my hand and pulls me outside. I grin widely and say, "Much better," as I pull him back into a kiss. My arms are wrapped around his neck, and his around my waist as we stand there kissing for what seems like forever. The moment is so perfect, I just want to stay like that, with him forever. I really do love him and every moment I spend with him is so much better than it would be without him. We both slowly pull back and smile at each other. He leans in a kisses me quickly again. We walk back inside and see that Niall and Zayn found some lady friends that they were chatting with. Lou and I wander over to Niall and Zayn and introduce ourselves to the girls. One of them looks at me and asks, “You’re the girl dating Louis?!” I look at him, then at her, nod my head, and add, “Yeah....” Her face lights up and she hugs me and says, “Oh my gosh! You’re so cool! I would love to be you! You have such a cool life and you’re really pretty too.” I smile and say, “Thanks so much, keep it up with Zayn and maybe you can come along with us too,” I add a wink at the end and give Zayn a look. He looks at me with a straight face and I mouth ‘You’re welcome.’ Lou and I walk away and the girl waves bye to us. When we get a safe distance away, we both started laughing so hard. Lou finds us a table and we sit down, after we finish calming down, he stands up a reaches out his hand and says, “One last dance?”

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