Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

The next day was the last show of the tour and it was going to be amazing. The boys always have something special for the last show. We get ready and go to the venue early. The lads had to sort of plan out what they were going to do at the show, some of it was improv  though. They are going to do a classic outfit swap and some other surprises they wouldn’t tell us because like they said a million times “You have to wait like everyone else.” Rosie and I fought it a few times, but finally we gave in and just sat down with pouts on our faces. I hear my phone ring from my pocket and look to see who it is. The screen reads ‘Mom’ ‘Hmm that’s weird she never calls in the middle of day’ I think to myself. I walk out to the hallway and answer my phone. “Hello?” “Chloe? Hi. I hope I’m not interrupting anything...” “Well sor-- nope, nothing much is going on, what’s up?” She pauses for a minute, oh gosh this must be serious. “Well... Sorry to ruin your time with the band, but your grandpa just had a stroke--we think--and you need to come back home for a few days.” I’m silent for a minute or two. I knew he wasn’t doing well, but I didn’t know something would happen so soon. She continues, “Are you still there, Chloe?” “Mhm I’ll be up later this afternoon. I’ll see if there’s any flights, if not I’ll drive.” I hang up quickly. I’m going to miss the last show, just awesome. My family needs me so I need to make some sacrifices. I walk back in the room where the boys and Rosie are all seated and talking. I’m looking down at my feet as I walk in and everyone looks at me--knowing this isn’t how I usually am. “You alright, babe?” Lou asks me. I shake my head no and he stood up, grabbed my hands, and tilted my chin up to look him in the eyes. “I need to go home Lou. My family needs me.” “Ok love, we can leave tomorrow morning and head up there.” I shake my head, “No Lou, I need to go tonight. I have to miss the show, I’m sorry.” He pulls me into a hug and says, “Babe, it’s fine, no need to apologize, I understand and I’m sorry for whatever happened, ok?” I nod and hug him tighter. Rosie comes up and hugs me too and I tell them I’ll probably fly up if I can find a flight, but I need to leave now, so I wish them luck on the show and on my way out I add, “I’ll call you guys later see what’s up and when I’ll be back and all.” I wave and head to the hotel to get some of my luggage.

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