Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

We enjoy an awesome dinner and Louis being the gentleman he is paid for the meal. “Chloe, do you live around here?” he asked. “No....well I’m from L.A. It’s a long story.” He offers to drive me back to my hotel if I tell him the whole story. I proceed to tell him the long detailed story and he just looks at me with wide eyes at the end. “Wow, you are so dedicated to us. You came to Texas? Just to see us?”  “Oh Lou, you’re so funny. JUST to see you?! Um...yes! I would fly anywhere to see 1D” He smiles and starts the car. “I know we have some crazy fans, but yours is the first story I’ve heard and it’s amazing” I blush, but hope he doesn’t see since he’s driving. When we get to the hotel, I thank him so much for driving me back and I start to say thanks for dinner but he interrupts me. “Can I walk you to your room, love?” Good thing I was still sitting down because I would have fallen over when he said that. I can’t get any words out, but manage a slight head nod. He puts his arm around my shoulder and we slowly walk back to my room. Right as I put in the key I say “Thank you so so so much for dinner and everything today, it was so fun. You basically completed my whole trip and my whole....” He cut me off and grabs my waist, turns me around and pulls me into a kiss.

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