Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

We go on all of the big coasters first. They are surprisingly fun. I sit close to Louis on each one, even though I am less scared, being with him is comforting. After we go on what seems to be every intense ride in the whole park, we go on the simple rides like a cute boat ride and teacups. On the boat ride I remember Louis and my “first date” when he sent me on the scavenger hunt. I think about it, we were on boat 4. Why 4? “Hey Lou” I say while leaning on his shoulder. “Yes?” he asks “Remember when we were on the boats in the park after my scavenger hunt?” I say. “Of course I do” he says reassuringly. “Why did you choose boat 4? Any reason?” He giggles, “I was wondering if you would ask about that....well at the meet and greet you were fourth in line. That’s why.” I look up at him and kiss him on the cheek.    

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