Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It took me a while but I finally found the Hilton. Rosie and I walk in and greet none other than Harry waiting for us on the couch in the lobby. He gives a both a hug, and hands me a piece of paper. “Here’s your next clue” Oh boy Louis is sending me on a scavenger hunt. “Thanks Harry” I say. Rosie is over excited about seeing him and is mute the whole time. He gives her a wink and I leave the hotel. Rosie opts to stay with Harry. I open the folded paper and it says “This is where you can see animals from all over. Liam will meet you at the turtle exhibit. -Lou” I think about it for a second and then it comes to me, obviously the zoo. I don’t even know this town awesome, how am supposed to find the zoo? I guess I can go back into the hotel and ask them. I walk in and Harry and Rosie are nowhere to be found... hope they’re having fun. I set my clues down on the counter when I ask the concierge clerk where the zoo is. I notice there are letters on the back. The first one has a ‘D’ and the second one has an ‘I.’ Clever, clever Louis is spelling out something. The woman at the concierge desk gives me directions to the zoo and I am on my way. It isn’t too far, so I can walk there easily. Once I wander around for a bit I find Liam at the turtle exhibit and can’t help but laugh to myself. Liam greets me with a smile and asks “What’s so funny, love?” Oh shoot, these boys are so adorable. “Oh, nothing...” I say, but he doesn’t believe me. 

“Ok well the Tommo gave me this to give to you” He hands me another sheet of paper.

“Thanks Liam” 

“No problem, he must really like you to send the boys and you all over town.” I blush and look down at the ground. 

“Ok see you later?”

“Oh yes I’ll be seeing a lot more of you if this works out how he planned” He says with a cheeky grin. I leave and open the next paper with two ‘N’s on the back and the front reads “Next is this city’s namesake monument. Find the fountain and the clue will be nearby. -Lou”

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