Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

The next few shows are super fun and always great. They never let me down. Louis and my one month is slowly approaching and I still have no idea what he is going to do. To be honest, I don’t know what I’m going to do either. Before the show one morning, Rosie and I go out to the balcony, so I can talk to her about what she’s doing for their one month and what I should do. We sit down on the chairs and overlook the small town in Connecticut where the concert was. “What are you and Harry doing for your one month anniversary?” I ask. “I don’t really know. He bought plane tickets for somewhere. He won’t tell me though.” I laugh, I’ll get it out of him. “I still don’t know what Lou and I are doing... I’m not very good with plans.” I say looking out at the city. She looks at me and says, “I’ll find out what he’s doing, ok?” I nod and thank her. She gets up and goes to ask him right away, I decide to ask Harry too. We go in different rooms, Harry and I in he and Rosie’s room and Louis and Rosie in the kitchen. I sit on the bed and look him in the eyes. “So Harry...” He looks at me, a little confused, “Hi Chloe...” “Hi. Okay. All I need to know is where you’re taking my best friend for your one month anniversary. I won’t tell cross my heart, hope to die.” He narrows his eyes and says, “Promise?” I cock my head to the side and say, “Do I really need to reiterate?” He stops me and says, “Fine, fine, I’ll tell you, just close the door, I don’t want her to hear” I stand up and close the door as he continues, “Well I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I know she really wants to go here, so I bought us tickets to Mexico.” My jaw drops. “She’s going to love it!!” “You think?” “Yes! Of course. Stay awesome.” I start to make my way out, but stop in the doorway, “Hey, do you happen to know if Lou has anything planned for us? I’m stumped” He gives me a cheeky grin and says, “Oh he has something great. Don’t make any plans, he’s got it all figured out and you’ll love it.” I walk out of the room. I really don’t like surprises, but I’m sure it will be great.

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