Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After the amazing boat ride with the love of my life, I go back to the hotel to get ready for my date. It’s so weird to think just a week ago I was daydreaming about this boy and now I’m going on a date with him! Rosie is at the hotel too and I wonder what she and Harry were doing...I can ask later after dinner. She must still be in awe because when I walk in she doesn’t say anything. I put on a cute dress and a touch of makeup, just to look presentable. We agreed on Chili’s at the park, so I yell to Rosie as I walk out the door “I’ll be back going to dinner with Louis!” I escape before any questions are asked and walk. Chili’s is a short 5 minutes away and I see Lou standing outside of the door. He see me, flashes a huge smile, and takes my hand. “You clean up nicely” I tell him. “Not too bad yourself” he tells me with his amazing accent. I am officially ready for the best night of my life. 

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