Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I walk around for about 10 minutes just to enjoy the weather and the beautiful park. After I finally find the fountain. I walk around it a few times and find the note perched right on the ledge of the fountain.This one says “Finally, find the paddle boats and I will meet you on boat 4. -Lou” The last clue has an ‘E’ and an ‘R’ on the back; I don’t bother to figure out the spelled word yet. I’m on a mission to find that boy. I can see the lake in the distance, that must be where the boats are. As I walk up to the attendant, I tell him a friend is waiting on boat 4 for me. He knows exactly what I’m talking about and has one of the workers row me out to him. Once I carefully step in the boat, Louis is holding another paper in his hand. “Hey! I thought I was done” I say a bit irritated. “This one is easy though, take out all your clues and lay them out in order” I start unfolding and placing them on the bottom of the paddle boat. He hands me his paper and I unfold it to see the message says “Dinner?” Awwwww Louis is so adorable. I lean in for a hug and never want to let go. He holds me tight and says “I’ll take that for a yes?” “Yes!! Of course” I totally forget about my phone and at this point I don’t care. He pulls away while saying “Oh babe, your phone...let me get it.” “Thanks Lou” I respond with a big smile. “I put my number in for you” he says in a cheeky voice and winks.

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