Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Louis is so precious and thoughtful and I am the luckiest girl in the world. After we go on a few more rides and eat some amusement park junk, it is time to head to the concert. “Paul is picking us up at the hotel in our bus” Harry tells us. Rosie and I give each other a look knowing that we’re both so excited to be going on One Direction’s bus with One Direction. Louis drives back and we all talk about how fun the day was. The weather was so great, in England it’s never this hot the boys tell us. Paul is there already when we pull up, “Hi ladies” he greets us. “Hi Paul!” Rosie says excitedly. When we get in, Liam, Niall, and Zayn are waiting for us there. “Since we were never formally introduced I’m Niall” he says with his arms open. I hug him first, and it’s true Horan Hugs are the best. Next, Zayn and Liam greet us the same, with a hug. Liam says “Told you I would be seeing more of you” with a wink. “Hi guys I’m Chloe!” I say and Rosie introduces herself, “I’m Rosie.” Rosie always loved Zayn the most out of them, but had this crazy idea that she would date Harry for five years before marrying Zayn. It’s funny that she’s with Harry now...maybe her plan will work out. She seems so happy with Harry though.

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