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Leah's pov

Everything is just so complicating right now. I'm getting tired of dealing with my boyfriends bullshit. I'm tired of relationships but I want to feel loved so that sucks for me. My friend jen..Jennifer, She's always helped me with advice which worked but also my boyfriend is just a dumbass but I love him. He just doesn't know when to stop when he's doing something dumb. He doesn't think and his friends aren't a good influence either because most of them go out and try to find some woman to fuck for a night then leave. I think only two of his friends have an actual girlfriend. Jennifer always suggests to me though to be patient with him which she's right. I've been trying to though but I guess Itll work out. On the other hand for jen, she's taken too and she's my bestfriend. She's doing ok I guess with her girlfriend but I still give her advice when she comes to me and needs it. Oh yea Jennifer is a lesbian and I support her 100%. When I first found out I was shocked but I understand her. But Finding other women attractive isn't bad at all it's just she likes more than just finding their attraction, she wants an actual woman to be with and now she has one. When she first realized and came out telling me she's not straight anymore surprised me but I got over it. I still love her and it shouldn't have to change anything between us. She isn't wrong though. A lot of women are good looking. I just don't think about going to another level with them ya know?
"Ow stop!! Haha" Jennifer complains and laughs as me and her ended up hitting each other in a playful way. At first I started off with a light punch but jen defended herself and hit me back so I decided I should hit her back and it just kept going on and on and a little more mean but we both know it's just a joke.

Our laughter died down and we were just sitting together just me and her waiting to get seated at this restaurant.

"Sooo?" Jen says and leans into me


"Tell me how you and Andrew are doing! You haven't talked about it in a while. I'm assuming things are good or worst but you're scared to tell me"

"Weeelll.. yes I guess you can say it's good"

"And I guess you're lying. Talk to me"

I giggled and rolled my eyes "Ugh.. he worries about me too much."

"That's good!"

"No. I like it but he gets mad at me. Like right now I'm out with you and in a few minutes hes gonna keep texting me then he'll get mad even though I'm telling him the truth. Like I might as well stay home."

" but I'm your best friend!! He knows that. He should trust me. I know things about you that he doesn't I bet"

"Yeah but also he knows things you don't know"

"Okay yea the hella personal shit obviously but not most of your problems, things you go through.. your past? you told me you barely talk to him about stuff because you're scared it wouldn't matter to him, that's why you have me" jen says and smiles

We get seated and continue talking about my issues and honestly I'm so grateful to have Jennifer. She really understands me and knows how to make me feel better and tells me the right things. I mean we've had fights but we make up. We could never leave each other. We don't let anything get in between us. No matter what.

About my past.. she knows it. I mean I guess it's not too serious but like, my ex  who I almost got married to, almost got me killed. I guess it's my fault though. My eyes didn't open up and realize I've made a mistake staying with him until that moment I almost got killed. Now the way I almost died? It was crazy and jen was with me. She was single at the time so she was with me most of the time at this party. I drank A LOT but jen didn't know till after. I knew my ex drank a lot. I guess he was an alcoholic but never did I realize he'd push me without a limit. And his friends were a bad type. He was bad but I loved him and I loved his bad side but I didn't know he was that bad. His friends had guns too. Scary. Like my ex could've been killed by one of them if he did something they didn't like. But anyways I was so drunk I started doin the most dumb shit. It was sooo bad and he kept encouraging me. Well I was with one of his friends who had a gun and he let me hold it. So dumb. I started pretending I was a cop and shit then I don't know but this is how my exes friend described it to me since I was drunk and don't remember a thing but I guess I had the gun by my face in a drunk way? And my ex came up to me from behind and hugged me. Kept kissing me. All that shit. I really don't know what else happened but I pulled the trigger but luckily I missed my face and shot into a bush since the bush was right by me. Sounds dumb but that's what I heard happened and someone showed me a video too. I get scared watching it everytime. And theeeennn later on me and some friends played truth or dare? I was dared to jump in the pool with a few of my other friends to so I didn't jump alone but not just jump in the pool. It was a dare do stay under water for a minute and we were all drunk but I was hella wasted I don't even know how I did it but I can't even swim. I don't know what made me wanna do that but jen found out and she was in the house of the party while I was outside. Someone told her and she looked for me quickly and jumped into the pool and I guess she saved my life because I wasn't aware how long a minute was that night. All that was the most stupid thing I've EVER experienced. Like me just thinking about it is embarrassing.


"Oh- sorry" didn't realize we were already ordering

After we ordered jen got my attention again

"Can I sleep over tonight?" Jen asks


"You seem... not okay"

Aww..that got me a bit emotional.

"I'm fine haha"

"Noo..Shut up. We can talk tonight Lee.  I'm sleeping over before you start crying your ass to sleep"

"Ugh howd you even know I was sad"

"Why is this a question?"

"Ugh. What about you? How are you and reina?"

"We're good! Just the same thing nothing new just love love love."

"When did you say she's gonna go on vacation with just her family?"

" next week. For two weeks!! That's too long leah!"

"Don't worry! I'll take you out a lot to make time go by fast. "

"Thank youuu. Hopefully it goes by fast! Ima miss her" she pouts. She's so in love with reina it's crazy. They way it started though was so quick. She fell in love with her quick but their relationship is doing well so I'm not worried. Reina is lucky she landed Jennifer cause Jennifer is a rare type. I just hope she doesn't break her heart one day cause who knows how jen would handle it?

New fic! So I wrote this a while ago but I'm barely publishing it now since I'm kinda done with my other fic 'Don't Let Me Down' kinda. but anyways I hope ya like it ❤️

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