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Jens pov

I had to put Leah to sleep last night. I have an extra bedroom but she's my best friend so I let her sleep in my bed whenever she sleeps over.

She came downstairs a little after I did while I was making breakfast

"Hey you" I say

She just groans

"You good?"

"No I feel like absolute shit jen" she whines. "Fuck I'll be back" she says and runs to who knows where..then I realize she was throwing up because of the gagging noises.

"Poor Leah" I say to myself. I continue finishing up the breakfast then I check on her bringing water with me. She was in the bathroom downstairs with her face over the toilet. After all that I took her with me back to the kitchen to eat breakfast

"At least I have you keeping me busy while reina isn't here"


"I'm sorry. Forget I said that"

"It's okay."

"So I read his messages that were to you last night. I think you did the right thing of dumping him"


"He talked shit about me. Read it for yourself" I say and hand her, her own phone

"Oh my.."


"He's a fucking- UGH"

"Your should block him out of your life because... I hate seeing you as miserable as you were last night. You were so sad that I almost cried"

"I don't wanna block hiiim" she complains


"I don't know that's mean"

I cross my arms and give her this look "mean? Since when are you not mean?"

"But- it's Andrew"

"Leah do you not hear yourself right now? You went from Completely confident to a weak person again. You won't block him? You're gonna end up taking him back and then you'll be annoyed and pissed off and shit again. Is that what you want? And then when you have problems with him again you're going to come to me and then I'm just going to tell you the same shit"


"I'm blocking him" I say and grab her phone and stand up quickly

"No!" She says and goes after me but I keep turning around and walking trying to avoid her and now I'm pushing her away and she starts pushing my arm and we start to kind of fight while I'm still trying to block him on her phone but we are laughing at the same time.
"Give me the fucking phone jen!" She says and started pulling my hair "ow!"
"Give me..the phone." "Wait!" I laughed and was so close to his contact name.

"Jennifer!" "Waaaiiit!" I say and finally blocked him and deleted his number too and deleted all the messages

"Here you go damn" I shove the phone in her hand and hit her arm so she'd let go of my hair. I walk away and get our food on the plate for the both of us that I made. Then I walk back to Leah behind her and pull her hair aggressively like how she did to me and a little sound came out of her that was...cute. It made me smile a bit tho..weird. "How does it feel getting your pulled hair like this?" I ask with a tone she's smiling while looking up because I was still holding her hair "nice " she laughs "ew" I say and laugh too and push her "breakfast is ready on the counter go eat. You needa eat"
Leah's pov

After breakfast me and jen went out. We went shopping then went to the closest beach and walked at the pier.
It kind of reminds me of me and Andrew back then when he would take me out like this. But later on he never took me out on simple romantic dates. Just stay home or eat out somewhere really quick and go home. I felt no romance.

"Leah look" jen says and points to this carnival type of game that she wants to play "let's play I wanna win something!"

I agreed and we played a couple rounds and she ended up losing but I won one of the big stuffed sea lion toy that she wanted.

"Lucky hoe" she said to me but I handed it over to her "I don't want it. I got it for you. Happy?"

"Awww leah" she covers her face and starts laughing "I'm such an embarrassment but thank you"

"Of course after all you've done for me recently what's the least I can do?"
Jen rolls her eyes and we continue to walk around.

Later on we get back to her house and I get my things and go back to my house afterwards. I have work tomorrow and so does she. It's kinda weird thinking about the fact that I don't have a boyfriend. Again. Ugh I'm so tired of trying to deal with these boys who don't care. Why can't they be like girls who actually really cares? Who has feelings and will try their best to make who they love happy and show them the true meaning of love? Why can't I be like jen? She has everything all settled and shit. Her arguments with reina aren't as big as mine were with Andrew. They're doing completely fine. Jens smart. I mean she didn't choose to be gay it just happened that she finds girls attractive and hot and falls in love with them and everything. I would do that too but I only find attraction that's all. I really don't look into that shit. The most I've thought about is jen being attractive because she really is. I'm sure everyone thinks she's hot at least. Too bad I love the feeling of being in love with a guy instead of a girl. Jens probably living the life not having to worry about boys.

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