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Jens pov

I just went with it. I acted normal and tried not to be obvious about what I was thinking.

"How are you?" She asks me "I'm okay. You?" "I'm good..I'm good" she smiles "let's go sit" "no I-" "jen.." I rolled my eyes and followed her to a table and we sat and talked. "Where's Rick?" "He left but I have a ride home. He had to go to a family party but he stayed here for a bit" "that was pretty short" I say and she gives me this look "anyways, I see you've been avoiding me" "I have not.." "look you can't even look at me straight in the eye" she says then I sigh and look at her. Right at her. "That's better" "how can I look straight into a liars eyes?" I say and looks away rolling her eyes "Jen I didn't exactly lie to you." "You said you loved me." I say but She widens her eyes and raises her brows and shook her head "don't- ...shush! Nobody knows" she said. I forgot nobody knew about us "I did love you. I still do jen but as a friend. I didn't fucking lie." "So saying you love your best friend and then fuck them a lot doesn't mean anything? As if I was supposed to know that you meant it that way.. you're pathetic." I say and get up and leave her and go back to my sister.

Later Leah came up to me and my sister at the couch. She sat by me specifically. "Hey.." "What" I said in the bitchiest tone "I- my ride left, she had to be somewhere"

"Okay and?"

"Can- do you think you can give me a ride home?" I knew she'd ask. "I don't know ask my sister she's driving." I said and just cut her off and went of my phone. "Yeah you can leah you don't live too far from jens" "thaaaank you so much!"

I'm so annoyed. I'm stuck with her again. I didn't even want to deal with her after our short talk but here we are.
"We are leaving in an hour" I said without looking up "Okay that's fine" "so you can go hang around with others. You have time" I say trying to push her away "I'm okay" Ugh this bitch is really not helping. We just sat here for a few minutes. I stayed on my phone the whole time and suddenly she started lightly playfully kicking my foot. She really thinks she can be forgiven this easily well she's wrong.

"I'll be back im gonna get a drink" I stood up and pulled up my jeans in front of her making sure she knows what she's missing. Once I came back I started drinking. It wasn't just a regular drink it's alcohol. I feel like getting drunk because I can't deal with this shit. After a while I felt myself getting really buzzed and leah noticed. "Did you drink?" She asks me "Yeah" "Jennifer what the hell" my sister raises her voice "what? I got nowhere to be" I took another sip, then another..the rest after that was a blur.

Leah's pov

Jen is so drunk but I'm surprised she hasn't made any moves. I looked at her face to see how drunk she looked and it was funny. Her face was a mess and I wanted to her and fix it so I did. I tucked her hair behind her ear, rubbed off the lipstick on her chin and wiped her eyes underneath. "What are you doing?" She asks me "you have makeup like all over. You kept touching your face" she didn't reply and just looked right at me, then my lips "fuck you and your boyfriend" she randomly said and I widened my eyes. She didn't say it that loud nobody was paying attention. "I-I..Okay" I say and just look away. She's drunk she doesn't mean that. I hope.

Me and Jens sister put jen in the car. We had her in the back seat and I sat up front with her sister since she was still drunk and would've been too distracting for her sister. "I'm surprised" her sister says at a tone that only I could hear "why?" "She still likes you and she's drunk and hasn't done anything too crazy" "all she said to me was fuck you and your boyfriend" I say and look back at jen and she's resting her head back looking out the window.
"I don't think you should've brought rick here. She wasn't ready for that" "he begged me to bring him! He thinks I'll lie and go somewhere else or might do something bad at this party." "So he drove all the way here just to drop you off and make sure this wasn't a lie? Plus he said hi to Jen and she didn't like that." "It's not like he knows what happened between me and jen"

"What are you guys babbling about I'm hungry!" jen chimes in "do you want us to get food" "yea yea whatever I'm hungry" I look back and jen was looking at me "you're pretty" She says "thanks?" I giggle "what do you want to eat?" I ask and she smirks and eyes me down "jen I'm serious!" I giggle "a burger" "Okay we could just get in n out for her" her sister says and drives to the closest one. "She's really going to eat while she's drunk?" I laugh "she's done it before" she shrugs.

I stayed with Jen and her sister for a little at Jens house since her sister needed help with jen. Then once jen fell asleep we had a little talk about jen. I didn't know she still felt horrible. I cut her off my mind for a while already because I thought she hated me and would move on but she actually misses me. I miss her too but I just want to be friends with her. No more messing around. She's still attractive to me but I just don't want to get far again with her. I'm not the type of person to easily come out. I don't want to deal with all the judgement from people when they find out I'm Bisexual. That I'm dating my best friend.. maybe one day. Not anytime soon though. I really like Rick. But I'd love life more if jen was back in my life.

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