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Leah's pov

Jen left me standing by myself shocked. She went back to Andrew and she pulls him with her and walks away to who knows where. They look like a couple. As I watched them walk away I had this weird feeling and I'm pretty sure it's jealousy. But why would I be jealous of them? I hate Andrew and Jens..well..she was my best friend. Things were turning out good till tonight. But rick..

I walk over to Rick and hit his arm "This is all your fucking fault you should've told me he was coming! I wouldn't have asked jen all these fucking questions and now she hates me even more!" I say to rick "hate you even more?" "Yes! She's hated me this whole time that's why we have been distant especially cause of you" "What the hell did I do?" I roll my eyes and groan "You keep me from going out a lot. I could've found more time to hang out with Jen but you and your damn trust issues annoy the fuck out of me. Keeping me from doing what I want in life. This is what I didn't want in a relationship. I feel like I'm trapped or something. You act like you're my parents. Telling me what to do and not letting me go out. You only let me go out whenever you're out which is so dumb."

"Leah..I-I..I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel this way. But I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Shut up that's all you ever say and I have to just tell you the same shit yet you still don't chill out with that untrusting shit. I'm sooo tired of it and it's ruining my chance to fix things with jen. I miss her so much and i just want things to be normal between me and her again. She's been my best friend for so many years..it's not the same anymore. .....I just want things to be the same again but she'll never let that happen" I sigh and lean onto the counter of the bar and run my hands through my hair. "I've never been so stressed out because of her..I've been holding it in for such a long time.. ever since me and you met." I softly say to Rick. He doesn't say anything so I look back up at him with my anger quickly building up cause he didn't answer but I realized he was looking past me. I turn around and it jen. She was looking right at me.

I didn't know what to say so I awkwardly turn back around facing Rick. He looks at me and raises his brow. I make this face to him showing him I don't wanna talk to jen cause that's what he wants right now but I'm just worried she heard all of what I just said.

"Lee" she says but I ignored "Leah.." she repeated then I felt her tap me. "What." I say and look at her with so much confidence but I got weak cause I saw her eyes become glossy. Am I on my period or something? I got emotional too quick. After me telling Rick all of that then realizing jen heard it might be why. "Ugh..I thought we were trying to fix things" she says softly "we- we were.." "so what's this? What are we doing? Why is this happening? Why are we acting this way? This is so stupid." She says trying to hold everything back."I-I don't know..but why? Why are you with Andrew? You knew I would be here and you brought him? You tell me you two almost fucked? What are you trying to prove?"

"I don't know I'm sorry! I probably just- I'm trying too hard just to make you want to get back to me as a friend but I'm not even thinking properly. I know I shouldn't be talking to him..this is my fault.. I knew we were fixing things and bringing him was a bad idea. I just didn't want to feel left out because I knew you were bringing Rick here. I'm selfish..you don't even deserve to have me as a friend. I-"

"No..no jen stop.." I pause and take a deep breath trying to hold my tears back. I bite my lip and look up and think about what I'm about to say..then I looked back at her and said it

"You don't deserve what you've been going through. I should've been there to help you. That's what I'm here for...well I used to. I'm literally the only person who knows you more than anybody. Even your own parents and I let you down. Whenever you were down I brought you back up cause I hated seeing you down and you did the same for me yet I put you through this. I'm stupid for how it all ended. I wasn't thinking but I should've. There's no excuse for that. I just wish it never happened like that. I make stupid decisions. You know that. But I know you trusted me..and I- I'm sorry.." I say. I had that feeling in my throat that you get when you're about to cry or holding in your cry..jen was about to cry though. I wait for her to respond but she's just looking at me.

She takes a while but she finally did "It's okay." She says shrugs and walks away. Wait what?

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