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Jens pov

Leah understands me. She finally realizes too that this isn't just for sex. I like her and I guess she likes me too. I still don't know about her if she truly likes me like that to the point that we could have a future together. I know she has feelings cause there's no way she would just keep hooking up with her best friend like that. I mean we are best friends but I want this to be real. I don't even know if I see us having a future yet. But I also can't see us being separated in the future.

It's now been a few weeks since that night. She's at my house right now getting ready for this special event she has for her job. It's a big party. 50th year anniversary for the company.

"Okay so where should I start?" She asks me walking out of the bathroom dripping wet in a towel from her shower. "Oh wow you look...yummy" I tease. "Shush. help me" she smiles and turned to look at herself in the mirror. "Okay since you're curling your hair, blow dry it. Then do your makeup..can I do your hair?" I ask cutely "of course" she giggles and starts getting ready.


She was putting on some highlight finishing up all her makeup. I was just laying in bed watching tv and going on my phone while I waited. "Okay do my hair now please" She says and I sit up and get off the bed quick since I was excited. "Wow look at you" I have heart eyes. "Good thing you didn't put lipstick yet" I say and kiss her softly then pull back and bite into her bottom lip. Then move down to her neck. "oookay that's enough" she says and pushes me back. "I can't have hickies" "What dress are you wearing? You better not wear any low cut ones"  "I'm not" "okay then you can have hickies" I say and got to her chest attempting to leave a hickey there but I just left another wet spot onto her skin since she pushed me back again. "Stop! Do my hair" she giggles "Okay fine. Sit on the bed" she listened and I started to curl her hair.

"So what time should I pick you up?" I ask her. "Maybe 9?" She responds. I pouted and didn't say anything else "why?" "3 hours without my baby" "Hey at least it's not that long usually parties last way longer than that" "you're right. Okay well I'll pick you up at 9 and then go out for dinner. So don't eat a lot" I say. I already reserved a table at the restaurant that I'm taking her out to tonight. It's a Saturday night and I literally have no plans and the party she's going to is just for people who work there and it's a big business so a lot of people will be there anyways. She felt bad that she couldn't just spend time with me but I said we could just go out later and she won't eat that much so she could save room.

After doing the last curl I sprayed her hair to stay in tact then she stood up and looked in the mirror. "Wow I love it!!" She says "you're welcome" I smile and she quickly gets her dress since she started rushing. "Don't look!" "I- really?" I scoff "don't look I said" I roll my eyes and look away till she told me she was done.

Once she was done I looked and my eyes widened. The dress suits her perfectly. "Sooo? What do you think?" "I'm pretty jealous that I won't be there with you to enjoy the view of you"

She smiled after I said that and fixed her hair up in front of the mirror, then put on some dark lipgloss. I went behind her and squeezed her ass then pulled her dress down a little bit.

"Um excuse me?" "Your dress is too short" I said. "It's almost at my knees! What do you mean?!" She moves away from me and continues finishing up "zip me please" She says and moves her hair to the front. It was a nice view but then I also noticed she's not wearing a bra "where's your bra?" I ask and drag my fingers along her back and she turned around quick and obviously annoyed. "Do you see this dress? It goes up in the middle and shows my shoulders. It would look weird with a bra. Plus my dress comes with a padded boob area" she demonstrates making me laugh "ok ok fine you're good. Turn around" she listens and a few curls fall down her back but the rest is in front. Every inch of her looks amazing. I zip up her tight dress then she turns around to me. "Thank you! I gotta hurry up" She says and looks for her heels and slips them on.

I just stayed in my leggings and sweater and we left just five minutes after. She was excited for the party. I could feel her energy. She's singing along to all the songs I had playing while recording herself on snapchat. I don't know what I'll do in my spare time. I just wanna be with her.

We got to the venue and I just pulled up by the entrance so she wouldn't have to walk far. "Here we are" I said "thank you! I'll text you when I'm almost done" "Okay. You have everything? Do you need anything?" "I have everything. Thanks" she said and leaves over to me and kisses me. "Be careful" "you too. Don't have too much fun without me!" I joke. "Okay" she smiles and gets out of the car. I watched her leave going into the building. She's the hottest person ever.

I went back home and showered then got ready really early. Then I put on a romper for my outfit and to show off my legs. I'm bringing my heels to wear but for now I'm just wearing slides. My hair was just wavy after it being air dried I just fixed it up a bit but didn't use any heating tools. My makeup was simple and I put on some hoop earrings. After I was ready I chilled with Blue for about ten minutes and fell asleep while I was petting her. Then I get up and went back to my room to spray myself with perfume then I left.

I just drove around the rest of the time not knowing what to do. I just didn't want to stay home tonight. I'm just trying to take up time. I have some friends around this area who live here so maybe I'll visit them.
After an hour at my friend, Matilda's house she asked me to drop her off at her moms house which isn't too far of a drive. I'll make it in time if we leave now.

Once we left it started to rain halfway there. I don't even have an umbrella with me. "Shit..and I need to pick Leah up after" I said. "Want me to ask my mom if she had an extra umbrella?" "Yes that would be amazing please! I don't want Leah walking in the rain" "what about you?" She giggled. Whoops. Forgot she doesn't know how much I'm in love with leah. "Oh yeah me too but..she'll take it worst than I would" I say thinking of the quickest lie. Phew. "Oh true. Leah and her attitude" she jokes "haha yeah".

Luckily her mom had an extra. I left right after though because there was traffic on the way back. It's 8:55 pm already too and I'm low key panicking cause it's raining and everyone is leaving at 9. I mean some people will stay for a few minutes for a little bit more chatting which I hope she does but once she realizes I'm taking forever she might get mad. I don't want her to accept a ride offer too.

"Leah I might be a little late" "Why??" "I..well I went to Matilda's then dropped her off at her moms. Now it's raining and it's super traffic. I think there was an accident but I'll try to get there quickly" I said "Okay..be careful. I'm starving though. Why did you go all the way there?" "She needed a ride! I-" I realized I was yelling at her. I don't know why I was yelling "..she just needed a ride to her moms house. I didn't know it would rain" "do you have an umbrella?" "Yes" "Okay good. I look too good to get soaked" she said and it made me laugh on the inside "you look too good you get me soaked" I said. I hate myself. So corny but I wasn't lying. "Shut up" she giggles "just hurry up. Well don't speed...be careful please" "I will. I'll text you when I'm close" "Okay"

On the way to Leah i listened to some R&B songs. I didn't mean to get in my feelings but the rain makes it more effective and now I just wanna see Leah and cuddle. We still have dinner though. The other thing is that me and her are trying our best still not to just hook up whenever we are in the mood. I mean that's good but I feel like if we keep doing that the exact same thing will happen like before and I don't want that. That gets me worried the most. We are good right now. People would say there's nothing wrong with it but I'm just scared. I don't want any more fuck ups

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