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Leah's pov

I met up with jen at this restaurant she wanted to go to. I sat down to the booth she was at right away and looked right at her but she was on her phone


"Hmm?" She says but doesn't look up. I snatch her phone and make her look at me

"What the-"

"What happened?"

"I told you! Why're you mad?"

"I'm not mad I'm annoyed. Why the hell did you talk to him?"

"I- well it was awkward if I didn't!"

"Now that all that happened it's making me think about him again and it stresses me out more and that's great because this week I have so much work to do. Ugh"

"I'm sorry.. I wanted to know what was up. But- he didn't sound convincing when he talked to me leah. I'm serious. So you don't need to worry about him. He's lying I assume. He just wants you back probably for sex"

"Sex isn't the reason why he's want me back jen. I'm not that good looking. He just wants a girlfriend so he looks like an actual man compared to his friends"

"What? That's stupid. He doesn't need to prove shit to his friends. Plus you're beautiful Leah. Don't say that about yourself"

"Okay but-" I just sigh "thank you"

Jen smiles and reaches over the table for her phone and gets it back

"I'm sorry for coming off like that. I'm just- too much going on"

"I know. I see.. I'm sorry you're dealing with so much but it'll get better soon I promise"

"I hope.." I sigh and rest my elbow on the table and rest my head on my hand. Jen gets up and sits on my side and randomly hugged me really tight but it was so comforting

"Someone out there and still loves you leah. Like your friends...and family.. and especially me Leah. I love you so much..don't let this breakup bother you so much because it's good you broke up with him. You deserve happiness and you didn't receive happiness from that relationship. You don't deserve him. He definitely doesn't deserve an amazing woman like you" she says and of course i silently cry but it wasn't too much of a cry. Something I could easily recollect my self . She wiped my tears and looked at me "fix your face before they take our order mama" she smiles Then she goes back to her side.

Jennifer...she's honestly the best. What did I do to deserve her.

While we ate she helped me forget about everything and even lightened up my mood. After we ate we walked outside the building and talked for a bit.

"..and then my sister said I could stay at her beach house in the bahamas if I ever wanted to go on vacation there since that's just her vacation house"

"Woah really? Damn I knew she was rich but I didn't know she was that rich!"

"Yeah! So if you're really down on going on a bestie vacation just the two of us... we will already have somewhere to stay"

"Hmm..that's sounds fun but I don't know..."

"Why? It'll be fun!"

"Yeah but I don't wanna have to bother your sister"

"She offered! Come on Leah it'll be fun! And her backyard is literally the beach! There's a pool but also the beach right behind and it's- it's just so beautiful Leah"

"Weeeeellll... I'll think about it"

"It'll help you get things off your mind!"

"I know but-...ugh..I'll think about it jen I'll think about it" I say

"Okay and let me know! Anyways I'll see you later tonight right?"

"Yeah" I say and smile and she reaches her arms out and we hug

"Enjoy the rest of your day" She says and I giggle and start walking towards my car and she randomly kicked my ass literally with heels on.


"Say it back to meee"

"I hope you have an amazing day Jennifer. Happy?"

Jen rolls her eyes and laughs "bye Leah" then we both leave
Jens pov

Now the rest of my day I'll just be worrying about Leah. Well I made her happy but I feel like she's still hiding her sadness. I don't know but the fact that she started crying out in public hurt my heart. She's really taking this in a bad way and I just wanna help her feel better. I know she misses him but she also knows and I know that she shouldn't be with him for so many understanding reasons. I've seen her cry a lot before but it's just worst that she can't hold it in public.

Since she's coming tonight, before she comes I'm planning to go to the store and buy her flowers and chocolate and food from Chickfila. I'm such a good bestfriend. She needs to feel happy and loved so I'm here for that since I'm the only one out of all her other friends that knows so much about her. I think her friends know about her and Andrew breaking up already but I'm not sure. They haven't gotten together to all hang out yet and I have some mutuals also so if Leah does plan hanging out with them all I could also come and back Leah up just in case she's too shy or something cause I know if she just starts telling all of them she'll break down and I'd hate to not be there for her

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