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Leah's pov

After a long day out with jen we went home to her place and just chilled. We ended up watching a movie but she was also on the computer on twitter. She kept showing me these funny tweets but she got tired of going back and forth so she just sat by me resting her feet on the table propping her legs up a bit and having her laptop on her lap. She leaned on my shoulder and I watched her scroll through tweets but I dont think she knows I'm watching.

She opened reinas twitter profile and looked through all her pictures. I realized she barely posts any of jen. I thought she was the type to post a lot of jen. Id post a lot of jen. I'd show her off.

Then she went on my account and looked through my pictures. She just skimmed through and went to the..important ones I guess. Like of me dressed up or cute mirror selfies or just selfies or group pics

I went on my phone and went on snap and started recording her from my point of view so she doesn't know. Then I captioned it 'why is she stalking my pictures smh😂'

She eventually stopped and put her laptop down on the table then got her phone.

"Leah" she says randomly as it was quiet

"Can I ask you something?"

Oh shit..well... her question could be anything chill out Leah

"What is it"

"Is it normal that I may be...I don't know... I'm not feeling anything with reina anymore. Well a little bit."

"Oh... no honey you're just worried because she ended FaceTime so quick and she hasn't been responding right away but I'm sure she's enjoying her vacation. She loves you and wants you back the second she gets back here but right now she's on a vacation so let her be!"

"Yeah but..how would you feel if she just quickly said she had to go and left without realizing that you were sad.. the moment she did that I felt like I had no one"

"Ok But I'm here for you"

"Y-Yea But.."

"I'm here for you Jennifer"



"Ugh..I guess. It's just a weird feeling I have though"

"It'll be fine jen"

"But im scared she's gonna cheat. I know she's gonna cheat. TWO weeks Leah. She can't last that long"

"If she cheats dump her"

"No!" She blurts out. "No?"

"I mean- do you think she'd cheat?"

"Well..I can't speak for her but I can speak for myself and say that if I were your girlfriend I'd never cheat on you"
She looks up at me all serious and shit. "Wait really?" I giggled "Yeah..I mean why would I?"

"Aw.." she says and continues looking at me "But why? Like why would you never?"

"You really want me to get all sappy with you" "Yes" she smiles and sits facing me as we are both still on the couch

"Okayy...well don't get feelings for me since you do so easily but-"

"I don't fall for someone easily"

"Yes you do!"

"I don't!" I cross my arms "do I have to remind you of your exes before reina?"
She bites her lip and looks away "ok fine I do but I won't. Tell me"

"Mmkay well...I guess you're just really amazing.. like you know your personality, you have a pretty smile, a cute laugh, your body is perfect, you're fun to be around and I could get mad at you but you play along and we end up still as friends..you know.. I mean that's just a few things I like about you. I could go on"

"Aw leah.. that's so sweet"

"I know shut up I'm never this sweet"

She scrunches up her nose and laughs "I know"

"Reina is a lucky girl. I don't think she'd wanna loose you so easily like that. You don't deserve to be treated that way. I know you're really sensitive and would go on forever about something bad that happened and that it hurts you..she should know that too"

"But she doesn't think Leah..it's so bad when she gets drunk"

"That's why.. if she cheats then dump her"

"I don't wanaaaaa"

"Jennifer listen. You do. You'll be in pain like I've been and it's horrible but at least it's not worst. And it's not because I have a special friend like you whose helping me get through it and I'd do the same for you but right now that would be a mess if it was at the same time for the both of us"

"But I love her Leah"

"But does she love you as much as you love her?"

"I-...I-.." she looked down and sighed "I don't know" she says quietly "Think about that when you two are back together"

"She's gonna cheat leah"

"She's not. And if so du-"

"Yeah yeah dump her. Right. How does it feel being single?"

"It's shit but I feel better than suffering"

"I'm scared"

"Stop being a little bitch Jennifer." I sassed "You stop being a bitch" she sasses back.

"Excuse me?" She looks up at me and immediately I push her back making her fall onto her back and I just watch her as I'm sitting up beside her laughing at her.

Then she looks at me and lightly kicks me then I push her legs away but she brought them back and I pushed her again and we just end up fighting. Play fighting of course.

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