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Jens pov

I told reina about the trip and she was ok with it. She wanted to come but I told her it's for me and Leah. Plus she already had a vacation and I don't want Leah to third wheel.

I'm on my way to the store to buy some groceries which is not fun alone. Looking around minding my own business trying to find food, then I saw this similar face that I know. "Matilda?" I say out loud and she looks at me. Matilda is reinas cousin. "Hey!! How are you Jennifer? It's been so long! You look great"

"Hi! Thank you!! I'm great. Happy Reina is back from the trip you guys had haha"

"Oh yeah that trip was fun! I wasn't with her most of the time but I know she had fun too when I was with her"

"Oh nice! That's good. Yeah I didn't get to see her till Tuesday because she stayed over at your house. Hogging her away from me huh?" I joke "Tuesday? She wasn't with me on Monday haha she went straight home?"

"No..she didn't" I say nervously now. "Oh..whaaat?" "So you're saying she went straight home? Not to your house with all the others?"

"Nope. Nobody stayed at my place. But I don't wanna get in trouble if this is bad" she laughs "well it's not gonna be your fault but that's interesting..thanks for letting me know!"

"You're welcome I guess? Don't tell her I told you if it'll get me in trouble"

"I won't don't worry" I say and smile. We say our goodbyes and my mood immediately changes. This bitch really didn't tell me she went straight home? What the fuck. Maybe she forgot? Ugh i don't know anymore."

I have trust issues because of reina. She's cheated on me once and I forgave her. It wasn't easy to but I really love her and she cheated because she decided to have fun and try fucking another girl while I was still her girlfriend. Leah thinks I'm a dumbass for forgiving reina but she also knows I really love her. Reina hasn't done anything wrong but that time she cheated and then also check out girls in front of me. I've brought it up to her that it annoys me but she seems not to get it.
After a little confrontation to Reina I felt better even though deep inside I feel like she's lying. Now I'm even more worried to go on my trip without her.

"Lopez you have a guest who came to see you at the lobby" my coworker who is the receptionist says to me through my office door "who?" "I don't know. Some man. He looks friendly though don't worry. I wouldn't put you into trouble"

"Um okay tell him give me five minutes" I say. She nods her head and closes my door. I fix myself up a bit to look presentable assuming it's some professional person like we would always get. But once I got to the lobby my whole self just changed.
"A-Andrew?.." "h-hi..I'm sorry. I came here unattended and shit. But I just wanted to tell you and Leah thank you for contacting my family. I didn't know how to contact you but I remembered where your job was at when Leah made me bring her your favorite dish of hers for lunch a while back. So here I am." He's too nice.. if only he didn't loose motivation to keep going with his relationship with leah. "Oh yeah..no problem. It's good to see you all in one piece" I say "yeah happy to be in one. I just have my broke arm here and I had some fracture but I got surgery already. Slowly recovering" he says with a smile. "Oh no.. well good hoping for a safe and full recovery for ya!"

"Thanks! Well sorry to bother. I just came to say thank you. And also tell that to Leah if you'd like. I do miss her and would like to see her again"

"Yeah I'll tell her"
This went on a for a little longer but he finally left. I went back to my office then later that night called and told Leah all about it. She seemed interested but I still don't believing his way of talking. Sure his words we're true but his face shows he's not fully trustworthy. The thing is every time I tell Leah about something that happens with Andrew her heart seems to race. She still loves him. But for some reason whenever she reacts to something about him i don't like it. I get bothered and I don't know exactly why. She's clearly not over him and I know she won't be for a while but I did help her a bit from being too depressed that week they broke up but it's kind of annoying me because all her attention is going to that situation. I'm being selfish though..why should she put all her attention on me? I'm acting like I'm her girlfriend .. I'm not her girlfriend.

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