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Jens pov

"So 7:30?" I ask reina through the phone as I'm on lunch break. I'm seeing her tonight finally. But I'm scared also. I have a weird feeling inside. Maybe cause I just fucked my bestfriend last night when I have a girlfriend. "Okay see you tonight baby. Love you"I say and hang up.

The rest of the day went by too quick. I wanted to process everything before I see her but guess not.

I'm meeting reina at a restaurant right now. Of course I'm late because I dressed up all cute. Make sure she knows what she missed.

Once I got in the building I see her sitting at a booth on her phone so I told the waiter I'm with her so I went there.
"Hey you" I say standing by the table. She looks up and smiles immediately and stands up. "Baby!!" She hugs me tight and we kind of wobble around a bit. Then I pull back still with my arms around her and I smile. "I missed you!" I say "I missed you too. And that cute smile" she gives me a short kiss then pulls away.

We both sit down and talk about her whole trip. "I'm sorry about not responding to your texts and calls. The reception was bad for me there"

"Haha..oh I see..but you posted shit on your Snapchat at the same time?"

"They were probably posting late from earlier whenever it could catch any service"

"Oh I see. So how were the parties?"

"It was fun" she says and her eyes went down to my cleavage. "Not as fun as those" she teases

"Just..fun?" I say and she brings her eyes back up to mine "Y-Yeah.. you know just regular partying but with cousins. Nothing too special"

"Oh ok.."

"How about you? How was it here without me?"

"Oh wouldn't you like to know?"
She got confused and I explained how miserable I was and how Leah comforted me the whole time when I still had to comfort her from her breakup. "She broke up with andrew?"

"Yeah and she's feeling horrible too" I say without emotion. "Oh no. I'm sorry for her. He wasn't all that anyways though"

"Well she loved him a lot but just wasn't feeling the relationship anymore I guess since he always made some dumbass ass moves." I accidentally sassed cause I was shading her. "But whatever." I pause and got a random flashback of how amazing last night was. Then I remembered.. Leah left a harsh hickey on my neck. Shit. My hair is down right now. I hope reina didn't see. "I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back"

"Oh..Okay" She says. I quickly leave and go to the restroom and thankfully I can't see it right away through the mirror but when I push my hair back you could completely see it. Then I smiled and bit my lip. Last night was beautiful. But how do I hide this when I don't even have makeup with me? I always have makeup with me but I guess I just forgot a lot today. I decide to take a selfie showing my hickey and send it to Leah through snapchat so she can't save it. But of course she screenshots right after. Silly.

I fixed my hair making sure to cover it. Hopefully nothing happens tonight.
Once I get back to the table we continue to eat and I guess it was ok. Aside from the fact that she still doesn't get how I felt when she was away for two weeks. I'd get over it if she was some other person but she's my girlfriend.
I got home after dinner with reina. Nothing special happened. If I didn't have sex last night I would've probably been pissed about nothing special happening but I'm just nervous but Leah is all over my mind right now just because of last night. Who knew someone that straight could fuck me like she's done this type of shit before.

Leah's pov

I already miss sleeping in the same bed as jen. Now I'm in my own bed alone with nobody to throw attitude or sass at me. I loved her sass. Honestly last night was weird. A good weird. I liked it. She knew what and how to satisfy me after no sex in forever.. I just don't want to overthink it because I'll just think it's too weird and things will get awkward between us.

I hope her date went well with reina though. That hickey I gave her.. I hope she didn't get into trouble. She left more than one on me. There was a few in between my thighs and it was heaven when she was making them.
I received a FaceTime call from jen but I look a mess. I immediately get out of bed and make sure my face is ok and just put my hair down. I was wearing a tank top and sweats.  I look at the mirror for a double take then answered her on my laptop instead of my phone.

"Hellooo" I say "hii..sorry to bother" she says nervously "no worries! What's up? How was tonight?"

"That's why I called. It went great. She didn't seem so excited. Well I mean she showed some effort but I expected more. But I guess I shouldn't have. And I told her how I felt when she was out of state and not answering me and she didn't even get that point because I also brought up you breaking up with Andrew and she went to that asking what happened..and completely ignored my part...and yea.." she says and fake smiles.

"Aw noo.. she's dumb. She should've shown some effort hun.. give it a few days though. Maybe she was tired" "True.." she sighs then pushes her hair to one side relaxingly and revealed the hickey I gave her. She didn't notice it was showing though but it looks..hot on her..
"So she didn't see?" I ask "huh?...o-oh.. that" she acts nervous and covers it with her hand and bit her lip. "No she didn't see."

"Okay good. Did not want any trouble there because of..our needs"

"Shut up" she giggled and looked away from the camera and went on her phone. "We gotta talk about our trip. End of the month is coming up quick"

"Oh fuck you're right. I'll look for the tickets to fly there and let you know soon"

"Why don't we look now? So we could decide together? I could look up right now on my laptop for flights" I say trying to be helpful and not have an awkward tension but jens being nervous.. "okay yea sure we can do that then." We both looked up flights for a while and finally found a perfect one. We booked the flight already. Now we wait till the day comes.

"So we are leaving in less than two weeks?" I ask "mhmm..and Also my sister has a party the day before. We have to go or else why would she let us use her house out there in the Bahamas?"

"Haha yeah true. I'll be there. I'll probably sleep over or something" "Okay cool. Ill let you know all the details"

"And will reina be okay with this?" I question "about what? The trip? I haven't told her yet but I'll tell her eventually"

"You better tell her soon! We will be gone for a week and a half! Almost two"

"Oh god. Another two weeks away from her? Fuck. She's gonna che-"

"Jennifer stop." I cut her off "we both waited for so long to set a 'bestie' vacation for the both of us. We finally have it and now you're worrying about her cheating? Do you not recall what we did?" "Well..." "Exactly. You cheated yourself. You can't really be mad at her if she does" she pouts and puts her phone down. Stressed And worried. "Leah what if she didn't cheat and all this was a mistake??"

"All this was a mistake but you also convinced yourself that she may have cheated because you know her so well..you'll find out eventually"

"I'm so scared. I'm so dumb. I'm so stupid. Ugh"

This is kind of my fault. I started this whole mess and got jen weak cause she strong. But not strong when it comes to these type of things..and I know she's been telling me she's had a small crush on me in the past but I was taken and now that I'm single this was her chance especially cause she thought reina was cheating.

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