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Jens pov

I just ordered pizza and Leah is on her way here. I've got other snacks for us too. We love to pig out together.
Minutes later I hear a knock on my door and I'm sure it's Leah's because I saw her head lights pull up through my windows.

Once I open the door I smile and was about to say hi but Leah was crying. Shit.

"Oh no.." I say and grab her hand and pull her into the house and close the door behind her. She has tears flowing all down on her face and I see a bottle of vodka in her hand

"You didn't drink before driving right?"

"No. I wanna drink tonight though"

I sigh and get everything out of her hands from the things she brought and I put it down and have her sit down
"Talk to me what happened Lee?"

"He's such a fucking asshole! We argued too much today after all our recent arguing and when he apologized he didn't seem like he meant it..."
She explained everything to me. She was crying so much. It's hurting me
" and then I told him I'm done. Us. We are over. Then I flipped him off and I knew this would hit me later because it didn't effect me earlier. I was so brave. He keeps texting me." She says and gives me her phone. I scroll a little bit but put her phone down "I'll look later. Right now you need to stop crying!" I say and wipe her tears. She's so beautiful it kinda hurts especially cause she's crying.

She looks down at me and pouts. "What is Love?" She says

"Something you deserve. What you did was probably right if you had the guts to do that mama. I'm proud of you for sticking up even though I did try and help but then I also did tell you whatever is right to you that you should do and you did. You don't deserve him if you don't know what Love is..he should be showing you."

She licks her lips and looks down "I knew what it was when I first became his.. but he got too used to me. He doesn't treat me the same and it's so sad. But I mean yeah you're right. I guess I did the right thing"

"Can't believe you dumped him just like that"

"Yeah well.. you know me and my tough side when I'm heated"

"Haha yes I know" I say and giggle looking at her. I guess it made her smile "stop crying Okay? Pizza should be her in a few and we can pig out together and watch whatever movie you want. Or show. Up to you. Tonight's your night. Plus we're drinking so I'll be right back with the vodka" I say and rub her thigh then stand up

"Thank you jen"

"Anything for you" I say raising my voice since I'm in the kitchen now

A bit after, the pizza gets here. I pay and then close the door and put the pizza on the table in the living room. I feel something on my leg and of course it's Blue smelling the food

"Sit. This isn't your food. I have food for you just wait" I say to Blue and she listens. I go pour the vodka for me and leah in shot glasses then give one to Leah and we start eating and taking shots. She took more of course and I let her because she was a mess. She doesn't drink a lot as in often but when she does drink it's A LOT.
Leah's laughing all over the place "I don't need him? He ain't shit" she says.  I'm not as drunk as she is. She's laying on the couch but her legs are to the side, up where you back is supposed to be resting if you sat in a normal way on the couch. She has a piece of bitten pizza in her hand and she's waving it around while watching tv and taking bites slowly.

I remembered I was supposed to look at his texts on her phone so I just started to look now

"Baby I'm so sorry. Why did we have to break up.
I can do better I didn't know you felt that way. You should've talked to me
I love you
I hope you will love me
I didn't mean to cause this I swear
Please Leah
I wanna make it up to you
I can't lose you
I know you're probably on your way to jens house..just don't let her get to you and think even worst of me. She doesn't know me and I know you say she's the one who always helps but she can't help our situation
Please Leah my baby"

Ew he is the definition of cringe when it comes to apologizing. No wonder Leah dumped him after he apologized. And what does this guy know about me? I know everything. Leah has told me. He can't say shit about me. He lowkey pissed me off he sounds like an asshole when he just wants things his way. But from what I've seen of him he is amazing but that's cause I only saw his nice side. Wow.

"Jen!" Leah snaps at me

"Oh shit what?" I giggle

"Blue! You haven't fed her silly"

"Ohh right. I'll do that right now"

"Ooookaaaay" She says slowly and laughs more and watches tv. It's a comedy show too so it's all just a laughing mess for her drunk ass. It's okay though she needs this because my poor bestie just broke up with her boyfriend and she doesn't deserve to be heartbroken.

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