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Jens pov

That was the quickest few minutes of sex in my life but it was amazing. It was like..makeup sex or something even though we aren't a couple. That was amazing. We were very sanitary about it too since this isn't our restroom, we made our ways.

We both pulled our pants back up and I tried fixing my hair once again. This time I just left it up in a messy bun. She left hers down though running her fingers through her hair to comb it out then flipped it to one side. I watched her do that all and I was mesmerized, she's so beautiful. She noticed and looks at me and kisses me for a few seconds. "Now how do I taste?" I say and giggle. She smirks and licks then bites her lips. "Amazing"  I scrunch my nose and look away back to the mirror. I looked fine so I walked towards the door and Leah followed. Before pulling the door open I felt her slap me behind on my ass. "Mmm" I moan out as a tease and look back she shakes her head "let's go" she says.

We opened the door and there was a short line waiting to use the bathroom. I kind of froze but kept walking away.
"We didn't take that long right?" I ask Leah "no..you came pretty fast" I rolled my eyes and smiled. "I missed you so much I got turned on already when you closed the door when we first got in The bathroom knowing we'd be alone" "so you expected this to happen?." She says "no? Well..I don't know. I was enjoying it even though I tried hiding it too"

"Well you're welcome" she winks

Later after a dramatic scene at the party when she broke up with Rick, she gave me a ride home since my ride was Andrew. I'm sure Andrew and rick will stay friends but they need to get out of our lives before something happens between me and Leah again.

Once Leah dropped me off I showered and went to bed. But I didn't go straight to bed. I started thinking about what the hell just happened. Is it too late to think and realize if letting her get me weak and end up having sex was a bad idea. So what do I do? I call someone when I am confused and need to let it out but no not leah. I called my sister instead.

"Hellooo?" I said "hey what's up?" "Well..you know the party today?"

"Leah was there" I bite my lip just thinking about what she did to me earlier. "Okay? Did you talk?"  "Mhmm.." "And?" I didn't answer "jen?"

"We for sure made up" I smile.  "that's good!" She says and I smile more "no yeah that's great but..we...um..we..fucked" "you what?!" She yells through the phone. My poor ears.

"Jennifer what the hell happened in just a few hours?!"

"Okay lemme explain. We talked. She got mad. I got mad. We made up. She apologized to me letting it all out. She broke up with Rick for me. It was that serious.."

"Wow" she said

"Yeah and so I was crying and shiiit.. she made me smile after but I was crying because I loved her apology. So she helped fix my makeup in the bathroom...and.."

"Ew no..you did not.."

"Yeah we did" I giggle "Jen?! That's gross! How come you two always do it in crazy places?!" "Shut up she fucking seduced me into it. We were alone in there and she was so close to me in front when we did our makeup so like I was liking the lack of space between us and she smelled amazing..and her shirt showed so much cleavage what was I supposed to think about when that shit is so close to my face?!...Ew this is weird telling you"

"Yeah but I saw through the video taping you two in my house fucking.."

"You watched it all?!"

"No you dumbass. I just saw the beginning. I knew what you two were about to do and then I saw it all over my cameras and just- Ew .. okay anyways what else happened?"

"That's it.. I enjoyed it but now I'm thinking about it again and like...it's just way too quick. I thought she lost feelings for me? She just had a boyfriend- actually she was still taken. She broke up after we did it."

"She tells me that she tried getting over you too but I could tell somewhere in her heart she missed what you guys had. More than the friendship"

That made me blush..I mean of course. What we had was beautiful but it just didn't turn out right. It's like this is my second chance at finding true love. I don't know if she's my true love but I love her a lot.

"What if she just messes with my head again. I'm not falling in love with her any less. Things will be worst if she fucks up again. She told me..well not directly but I told her only make moves if you want to actually be with me relationship wise..and that's how we had sex."

"She wants you then"

"Yeah but- ugh you're not helping"

"I'm kidding. Look. Just take it slow. Try not to keep messing around with her. Just hang out with her more first and if it seems like she's falling in love then there"

"I can't tell if she's in love.."

"You could jen..you could"

I sighed "okaaay.. well I'll talk to you..I don't know when but goodnight" I say "goodnight and good luck" she laughs.

My love life is a mess

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