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Leah's pov

Jen started to kiss my cheek while I just kept looking outside. I mean I'm not stopping her but I'm not making any moves either. Then she went down to my neck kissing me softly onto my skin. It was really relaxing. She was leaning in closer and her boobs ended up against mine. She started to suck onto my skin causing me to get goosebumps. Which I was hoping wouldn't happen. Now she knows I like it. I swear she really doesn't care about this whole thing we've got going on. She always just goes for it.

"You smell so good.." she mumbled into my neck and left one more harsh hickey and pulled back. She used her finger to make me face her then held me under my chin and kissed my lips slowly. But the slowness didn't last that long. She became more aggressive and started moaning softly into my mouth and it was such a turn on.

"What if someone passes by the window-" I whisper but she cuts me off and continues to kiss me. She started to bring her hands to both my thighs then back up under my shirt.

"ooo this bra feels cute" she said and smiled and took my shirt off and her eyes immediately landed on my bra. It was black and laced and you could see through most of it but it covered my nipples. She brought her head down and began to lick my skin and also suck onto my skin on my chest. Then she got lower between my boobs and I feel her hands behind my back and she unclasps my bra. She replaces my bra with her hands and she knows exactly what she's doing. It felt good.

"J-jen.. I really think we should move this..somewhere else"

She didn't listen and played with my nipples with her tongue. I felt her hands go lower at the same time and got to my pants. I'm wet so I hope she's..ready?
Jens pov

Leah's moans are beautiful. Music to my ears I swear I'm falling for her even harder everytime.

I did some work with my fingers as she was moaning all over this window ledge. I honestly don't think anyone will see so it's all good. She's a work of art and I'm enjoying every second of this.

After three orgasms I took my fingers out and smirked and brought it towards her mouth and made her suck the cum off "freaky" she says and I winked.

Now she's in control. She didn't start too slow like I did though. She took my shirt off but left me in my bra. I helped out by taking my jeans off as she kept kissing my neck. Then she slipped her hands under my panties making me smile and close my eyes. I had my arms around her holding onto her. She kept kissing and sucking onto my neck while slipping her fingers in me. I rested my head back and tried my best to stay still since the ledge wasn't that big.
She kept going till I came. Then she went off the ledge and stood up. she noticed I closed my legs back up. I bit my nail and she spread my legs apart again while shaking her head. I smirked and watched her go down. The moment her tongue landed on me I couldn't hold my moans. This was all so passionate my legs started to shake. She's getting better at this lesbian thing.

She stood back up in between my legs. I wrapped my arms over her shoulder and my legs around her. She carried me to the nearest couch and laid me down.

Leah looked down at me then smiled and my heart went crazy for some reason. It was a smile like..she loved this idea that we are doing and you know..just that feeling. I don't know if she's falling for me but I definitely am falling for her and I still have a girlfriend..damn.
The next day we went souvenir shopping. We bought things for ourselves and for some friends and family. While we walked around this store Leah's phone starts ringing and I look at her.

"Oh shoot It's the office. Give me a sec" she says and gives me space. I continue to shop around for 6 minutes. She came back afterward in a happy mood. She didn't say anything but cut in front of me while I was looking at something. I laughed and pushed her away. "What was that phone call about?" I say and smile and play with her hair as she's facing me. "Oh nothing. I just got the rest of the week off. So I still have from Wednesday till Sunday off after we get back home"

"Oh I do too!"

"I know" she giggles and looks at my hand still playing with her hair. "Do you think this is cute?" I ask and show her this top that I wanted to buy. "Yeah it'll look good on you!"

"Mmkay good ima buy it" I say and walk away but she lightly pulls me at my waist and I froze but nobody was around this aisle except us. I felt her body against mine from behind and she kissed me once on the neck then started whispering into my ear. "Last night was amazing...I loved it"

I tilt my head to the side smiled to myself. I put one hand over where her hands were at my waist. Then I moved away from her and there was space in between us but I was still holding one of her fingers with one of my fingers  I looked at her as I'm walking backwards slowly and smiled "me too" I say quietly then let go and continue shopping.
Leah's pov

Jen is sooo cute. Last night was even better than the last time we did it.

After buying a shit ton of things for us and for our friends and family, we put everything in the house and decided to go swim in the pool outside. I put on a dark blue bikini that really pushed up my boobs and jen wore black and white striped bikini. "Lord" she mutters quietly and looks at my body.

I decide to go in the jacuzzi first so I did. Jen was at the chairs doing who knows what.
"Jennifer" I call out "Yeah?" She says and looks at me from where she's at. That made me get butterflies. "Come join me?"

She puts her phone down and stands up and walks over to the jacuzzi. She slowly walks in on the stairs going into the water. "Shit that's hot" she said "maybe cause I'm in here" "shut up" she giggled "just kidding! But you'll get used to it. Just relax in the water"

We both sit across from each other in the jacuzzi on the ledge under water. The only thing I can see of her is the top half of her body. From her boobs and up. The rest all I can see are bubbles. She started to dance a little bit to the song she was playing. She ended up in the middle and was spinning around splashing me then kept dancing even more.
"Damn You love to dance"

"I sure do" she smirks and gets closer to my placing her hands on my face and slowly drag it down to my neck then chest. Then she turns around putting her whole body against mine and put her hands behind her onto my neck and slowly rubs her ass against mine. I don't know why it turned me on so quick...her ass is so big I couldn't even control my feelings.

She only did that for a quick few seconds then got off of me and kept dancing in the middle. She's something else I swear. I can't take this anymore. Ima use this good opportunity having her to myself the rest of this vacation and do things I probably wouldn't do back at home.

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