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Leah's pov

I thought I'd feel better letting this load of bricks off of my shoulders by finally telling jen how I feel but I just feel horrible. I feel something in me that's bothering me. I would talk to her but she hasn't texted me at all. On the other hand I'm going to a wedding with that Rick guy today. Just as friends of course. I mean I might as well since I have nothing to do and nobody to worry about. Maybe this will be fun.

I got ready in just an hour and a half. Rick was picking me up so I had to rush anyways. I didn't want him waiting. I just wore a gray dress that hugs my body, I had my hair up in a sleek ponytail with curls at the end and hoop earrings. I tried my best not looking too fancy but once I got to the door to open it for Rick he could not lay his eyes off of me "Oh..h-hello" he stutters and I smile "Hey! You ready?" "Yeah are you?" "Been ready haha let me just get my purse" I say and go to my couch that had my purse and phone then I rushed back to the door and closed it. He opened the door for me. He had a nice car. It's a black Tesla..okay then.
"I like your car" I say as he drives " thanks! I've had it for almost a year now. Love it" "that's cool" I say. I'm kind of shy now. I really didn't know he was rich. He even looks like a rich person though. "So any details I should know about the wedding?" I say and he laughs "oh right sorry. Well it's like any other wedding. The last name of the couple is now Johnson. I'll try and make the best of it for you since I feel like this is already too much having you come with me to a wedding of people you don't know" "right right" I say and just look out my window. I had suddenly started thinking about jen but then I snapped out of it and tried moving on.

Once we got there, he of course helped me out and made sure I was ok then he closed the door. We walked over to the venue and he started greeting everyone. Everyone here looks really classy. I get good money but these people are just like..wow.

Rick led me to my seat and then sat by me. This kind of reminded me of last week when I was with jen. Now I'm with a man. I have a feeling this night will be almost similar to last week because it's both formal.

I posted a few snaps only on Snapchat. Of my food and a selfie with rick so it wouldn't be too awkward between us.
"Would you like to dance with me?" He asks. "I-sure. Why not" I smile and he holds his hand out and I hold it and follow him. Of course it's a slow dance. We had our hands and arms the usual position people would put it when they dance to these type of songs.

"I don't mean to come off like this but..You look beautiful" he says and I look up at him "oh thank you" I say and look away. I didn't know if I should say he looked handsome. I mean he does but I wasnt trying to make him think we were gonna have something going on.

He lightly pulled me in closer but I ignored it and kept dancing.
"Now whose this young lady?" Some man asks and we both pull back. Rick placed his hand at my back and introduced me to one of his friends. "Nice to meet you Leah. Lucky you Rick" he says and nudges him and I look up at rick and he shakes his head and laughs. We continued to dance and just have fun. I don't know how I should feel right now. Half of me actually thinks he's a nice guy but also I feel like people think I'm his girlfriend and treating me so nice.

I checked my phone back at the table and see a text from  Jens sister.
"You really went out with that guy after what I told you?"

"I had nothing to do today. This is just a wedding"

"Well I mean have fun. Try not to post a lot leah. I know you don't care but Jen is miserable and she felt worst after seeing your story"

"Oh..I'm sorry. I do care. But she can't stop me. But maybe I'll talk to her this coming week..if she'd like"

"Idk I'll see how she is. It'll be awkward but I'd love it if you two at least became friends again."

"Yeah" I respond and don't say anything else. "Everything alright?" rick asks noticing there's something wrong. "I-..yeah.." I force a smile but he doesn't buy it. "Come on what's up?"
I pause and think then sigh "well..if you really have to know. It's just about Jen, we- got...in a fight" I lie. Well it's kind of true but not. "Oh no...what happened?" "Nothing I can explain to anybody" I shrug "oh ok. Well hopefully things end up working out between you two" "Yeah" I sigh and lock my phone and put my attention back to the party. We stay here for a few more hours then leave.

"Are you still hungry?" He asks as he drives "eh" "let's go eat somewhere! It's only 8:30" "Well...I don't know.." "why?" "I-Okay yeah why not" I chuckle and we drive to a restaurant close to my house.

"Hey I have been meaning to ask you" I say after taking a sip out of my drink "What is it?" "Andrew, you know him..how?" "Oh Yeah.. we actually met the day that me and you met! He was at the park to asking about my dog and we quickly came along because he needed a ride home since it got too cold to walk back. We've been getting a bit closer! He's a cool guy"

He was at the park? He doesn't even have a dog. He's fucking following me. Too many coincidences.

"So what do you do for a living?" He asks me and I look up away from my food and give him a look "this isn't a date"

"Yeah..I know" "so I-" "I just want to know more about you" he says giving me all his attention while eating "but I'm just your date to the wedding. That's it. I didn't really expect us to know each other more after this day"

"We could be friends" he shrugs "I mean I guess" I say and look back at my food. I don't know what to do. I'll just let this flow. "Okay fine. I'm the manager for this corporation that started from my Dad..I got pretty lucky cause I had no clue back then what I actually wanted to do but now I'm stable..you?" "I'm a practitioner" that's all he says. "Oh..nice" i smile "pretty good job to get you that Tesla huh?" "Oh right haha..yeah well I saved up for that. It was that easy" "Well still you're lucky" I smile again and play with my food. He's interesting but doesn't know how to keep a conversation going so I'm here forcing it out.

We got more into details eventually about each other. What we like, things we do, our interests..

"And so you and Andrew used to date you say?" He asks. I feel like he knew that already though. Because of Andrew that is. "Yeah, I kind of dumped him. Things didn't work out. I didn't like it or didn't feel anything anymore so yeah" "so you're single right now?" I raise my brows and nod my head yes "fun" he says and gives me this look but I can't tell what it means. Nothing bad though. But It seems like he's interested in me and I don't mind it at all. In fact I think I wouldn't stop him if he tried

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