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Leah's pov

"Knowing Jen after she wakes up and finds out she got wasted earlier would make her start overthinking and get emotional I'm gonna leave this here for her" I say to her sister as we were by her bed "Leah she'll overthink about you leaving this too" "I just want to be friends with her again. It's not the same anymore" "fine...leave it on her dresser. I'll sleep here and update what's up with her" she says and stands up "Okay" I smile and then lean down to hug jen and kissed her cheek then I stood up too. I left her, her favorite chocolate and a note. I mean I'm not trying to play with her feelings it's just that it's hard for the both of us to speak the truth to each other now face to face.

The next day around the afternoon I was with Rick out eating with him. We were talking then I got a text. I look at my phone and it was from Jennifer. For some reason my heart skipped a beat. "Oh sorry..just my mom. What were you saying?" I say and look back up at Rick "I was just saying that Everytime you're out I just text you asking questions because I worry bout you. I care about you and I have trust issues" he says. Reminds me of Jen. She has trust issues too. "Yeah but when I tell you where I am I'm being legit. I tell the truth. I know you worry that's why I tell you everything just in case of emergency you'd know where I'm at. I'm a loyal person. I feel like you don't realize that" I said. Our whole conversation was all about this. He kept fighting me on it. He just doesn't trust me but he's trying to keep his chill I could tell. But this is what I was worried about. This exact thing if I ever decide to date again. After a while I finally looked at the text jen sent me

"I miss you too. Sorry about yesterday. I heard how it was. Thanks for my favorite Chocolate 😊 to answer your question. Yes I'd love to be friends again but I want to start slow. I'm still not over all this lmao."

I didn't expect her to say all that after my small note. The note said "I know how you are after a hangover so here's your favorite chocolate. I do still carry it around cause I love it too. Also I miss you and our friendship..can we be friends again ?" To me the note sounded soooo stupid but I guess she liked it. I started smiling at my phone and Rick was concerned. I just lied and said my mom made me laugh. I don't know why I'm lying to him when he doesn't even know about jen and I. But during the party I saw him say hi to jen and she ignored him so he might bring that up if I bring up Jen.
Jens pov

It took a lot of guts to text Leah but I did it and I'm kind of happy. I really do miss her. I don't know how this would work with me when I already hate Rick.

Few weeks later

I'm out walking Blue at our usual dog park. I saw Rick a few minutes ago but he didn't see me but I didn't try to hide. I just sat at my bench afterwards. Taking pictures of my dog and playing with her in general. Later he did come up to me. No Leah, just him. He was alone.

"hey!" He says "oh hi" I say without emotion "been a while. How are you?" "Hmm.. good I guess. You?"

"Great ..great" he smiles "oh hey I've been meaning to tell you, Andrew wanted me to tell you to text him. He thinks I see you a lot but I don't because you and Leah haven't hung out in a while surprisingly" "Yeah well I guess she's so focused on you" I joked. "True, well you can have her at times too!" That made me feel weird inside. I do wish she was mine.

"So you and Leah..how's that going?" I ask since I'm just curious "it's great! She's amazing. I see why she's your bestfriend. She's an amazing girl, sweet, beautiful, funny, I love her personality" "Yeah well..." I let out a fake laugh "that's Leah for ya" I say hiding my pain. But that's everything I love about her. Especially her personality.. there's nobody like her. She's one of a kind. There's so many reasons why I fell for that girl

Later that night I decide to text Andrew since I was so bored and Leah hasn't responded to my text which is really pissing me off and making me overthink again. She's purposely distancing herself or something.

"So Rick said you wanted to talk?"

"Oh hi! Yea..well in person. But I wanted to text first"

"Oh..Okay. Why? What's up?"

"Nothing. Well I just wanted to talk to you about Leah and Rick"

"Oh them. Lol"

"Yeah. Me and Rick got to become close but then he started dating Leah and I'm still not over her"

"I get you. It feels like she's not even my best friend anymore" I lie

"Why's that?"

"It's distant because she's always with him"

"Oh I see."

"We could talk about this over lunch. Maybe tomorrow? I'm tired right now lol"

"Yea sure. Just send me the address and time and I'll be there!"

"Alright goodnight!"
He didn't respond but it just says delivered so he didn't read yet. I'm going to sleep though. I don't want to think about this shit right now.
I met up with Andrew at the restaurant. It started off to a basic conversation then we got straight to the point.

"So..you still like Leah?" I ask him "Yeah, well I'm almost over her I guess but when I found out they started dating it hit me again. But I know my mistakes and I can't fix that. I guess I'm just jealous."

"Doesn't he know you two dated?"

"Yeah but he asked for my approval..I let him. I'm stupid"



"I'm sorry..honestly I don't like the idea of them two dating either but I can't do anything about it"

"You can't at least talk to her?"

I shook my head no and shrugged "she won't listen. It just won't work out. Trust me" I sadly say

"Oh well..you know what I miss?"


"How you two would always dress alike and have each other's back. You two were like twins too but had such a close relationship. Almost like you two could be girlfriends but then it was totally normal because you two are so close. I missed the double dates and parties and shit. I feel like everything was better for me and you back then"

That was kinda awkward.. let's not forget about the fact that he used to follow me a lot. Or they were coincidences...

"Yeah well... I agree. But me and Reina broke up a while ago haha"

"Oh shit. I'm sorry"

"It's fine. She cheated. I'm over her."

"How can someone cheat on someone as intelligent and beautiful like you? You don't deserve that!" He says totally throwing me off.

"Hey I'm gay" I joke "I know! I'm just saying. I mean you and Leah look alike. Might as well call you beautiful too"

"Aw well..that's sweet of you. Thank you" I smile. "You're more handsome than Rick" I say just trying to continue the conversation. "Haha well you know" he says and tries to show off and shit "ew!" I laugh. This night didn't turn out too bad. Andrew isn't a bad guy. I've missed our talks about Leah but never did I think that it would be about her with someone else. He's just dumb about his actions with her because he didn't even try in their relationship. He just go too used to it. Maybe me and Andrew could be friends again. He didn't do anything to me...Leah and I aren't best friends. The only reason I hated him was cause he hurt leah but now she hurt me so I feel no shame about how he hurt her.

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