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Jens pov

"We're gonna be late silly" leah Says in between our kiss. "Shut up" I say and continue kissing her. I brought my fingers down to her thighs softly touching her till I get right in between.
"Mmm- wait no" Leah says "we are seriously going to be late...we can't"

"We'll Be fine" I say and kiss her more into her neck. "Jen no! You're going to leave hickies!" "K sorry" I giggle and go back to her lips and make out. I felt her panties and started to rub her. So far now she isn't stopping me so I kept going a little faster and I could feel she was getting wet so I shift the thin fabric to the side and insert my fingers and pumping slowly. She effortlessly let out a small moan into my mouth and chills went up my whole body. She's the hottest woman I've ever fucked and she looks like a whole meal right now so I'm so turned on.

I kept going and she kept softly moaning which was music to my ears. She let go of the kiss and looked down for a few seconds watching my hand that was up and under her skirt. I watched her bite her lip as she was looking down then she put her head back looking up but closing her eyes and biting her lip. So hot to experience all this. Suddenly I felt her tighten against my fingers so I went faster and her mouth dropped and let out another moan that made my breathing get weird. I pulled my fingers out after and had her lick the fingers I used on her then I sucked on it afterwards and smiled. "You'll get more of that later" I wink and back away leaving her breathless.

"Wow" I hear her say under her breath behind my back.

"Bye Blue! We will be back tonight" I crouch down purposely as Leah was behind me and rubbed blues head and kissed her. Then I stood back up slowly having my ass out in front of Leah then walked over to get my keys. I opened the door and let Leah out first so I could lock everything. As she passed I brushed my hand against her ass which was perfect. I get butterflies every time I look.

Leah's pov

Earlier what jen did to me was so...perfect. It's giving me second thoughts about what I wanted to tell jen later..

The ride there was nice. Our favorite songs were playing. Her singing was beautiful and she looks amazing I can't help but keep looking at her. Am I even sure that I'm not fully lesbian? I feel like she's the most attractive thing I could ever lay eyes on. Great.

Jens pov

We arrived to the party and started saying hi to everyone and found our group of friends at a table so we went there.

"Jen yay you made it!" Matilda runs over to us a hugs me tight "Wow you look amazing!" She says then looks to leah "you made it too! Oh my gosh yay! You both look stunning wow" she says. I look at Leah and grin then we sit back down and eat the food that was served to us. I talked to more of my friends at the table instead of Leah and so did she. I'm with leah all the time so of course I have to give priority to my other friends too. Everyone here knows we are best friends so it wouldn't be weird if we did things that others wouldn't do.

"So you're single now?" My friend Michelle asked me "Yea but no I will not go on a date with you" I joke. She's Bi also. "How about you Leah?" "Michelle!" I laugh and playfully hit her "I'm kidding. But no my guy friend is actually looking for a date to go with him to this wedding.  He's single, his name is Rick, all it is, is just a wedding. Nothing else. He just doesn't wanna look alone at a wedding you know?"

"Rick?" Leah says "did he just recently move around my area? Do you know?" I ask "Actually yes he did!" "Well we know him" I say and cross my arms "what's wrong with him?" Michelle says "nothing that we know of. But he's friends with my ex which is pretty weird" Leah said "oh..what the hell. Well I mean like I said it's just a wedding. You should go! For me please! He's been asking me a lot to find him a date"

"That's probably why he's been so flirty with you" I turn and say to leah then eye her down and smirk for the quickest second the turn back to Michelle.

"I'll see. Jen has his number so if I decide I'll just call him" Leah says.
"Okay thank you!" She says in relief.

Hours later me and Leah joined everyone to dance. It was fun seeing Leah dance with that way she looks tonight. I'm so excited to go back home. Later the dance was a slower song. More for couples. Me and Leah stuck together and just sat back down and watched everyone.

"Oh come on you two dance with each other! Everyone is dancing!" Matilda says while dancing with one of our guy friends. I look at Leah's and shrug my shoulders and she stood up with me and we started dancing again.

Leah's pov

I had my hands at her waist and she had her arms over my shoulders but we weren't acting like a couple even though we were standing the way we were. But this song is a song that could get you in your feelings and I think that was happening with jen. I felt her pull me a little closer so I look straight into her eyes..those beautiful eyes.. and shook my head no.

"I just wanna kiss you" she says "we can't.." I say and she pouts. But she just kept making it harder for me to say no. She kept showing signs that she just didn't care about others and really wanted to kiss but I kept backing away. At one point I almost fell which pissed me off because jen was annoying me again.

"jen I'm serious. Stop..can you just..wait?" It's hard saying that to her. She looks so beautiful and shouldn't be hurt. "Oh..k yeah..whatever" she says and looks away pressing her lips together. Then she decides to lay her head down on my shoulder as we slowly dance but I try lightly pushing her off but she instead looks right at me and snaps. "Leah what is wrong with me just laying my head?!" I widened my eyes "Okay geez I'm sorry lay your head" I say and put my hand behind her head lightly and pushed it towards me letting her relax her head again.

Moments later after the song finished another one started and she pulled back and looked at me "ok I'm sorry I snapped" she says and bites her lip nervously but I feel her hands go down my waist. "I don't wanna ruin the night" she smirks and eyes me down and I feel her hands go really low.

"Jen I-" I sighed and lightly pushed her away from me and she looked so confused "what?" She asks so innocently ugh...this is gonna hurt.
"I can't do this" I say and let go of her and she gets so quiet and just looks at me waiting for me to say something else. "W-what do you mean?" She says and tries holding my hand but I back away
"This..us..it's getting to much for me. I feel that we should just...stick to being friends" I say and I know coming off like that so quick sounded stupid to her but I had no other way to say it without causing a scene.

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