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Leah's pov

So Jennifer did end up coming and sleepover. She helped me with my problems especially what was bothering me earlier today. It did come with a few tears from me here and there but it felt good to let it out.
On the other hand jen is starting to freak out about reina going on vacation. They've never been separated for that long. Reina knows me and jen are best friends but she doesn't know that we are super close. The type that messes around too much but we all know it's a joke and also the type that we tell each other everything and do everything together. She just thinks we are friends. She does know we call each other best friends but I guess she doesn't take it so seriously. sometimes whenever I would see her with jen she'd tell me stuff I already knew but I'm nice and pretend like I didn't know. I do like her. She's really nice and I think she's the one for jen. I can't see them breaking up anytime soon.

Me and jen were relaxed on my couches in the living room watching a movie. Jen was on her phone most of the time texting loudly. I could hear her nails hitting against the screen loudly but I'm just sitting back eating any food around me because we put a lot of food on the table by the couch. Chips, salsa, popcorn, soda, chocolate. I'm on my period and so is jen so it's all fair.

"Jen can you type any louder?"

"I-..sorry." She says with a tone then I hear her sigh but I let it go. It's probably nothing. She's just tired.

"I'm gonna get some water do you want something while I'm up?"

"Do you have anything for these fucking cramps I'm dying"

"Oh yea I'll be back it's upstairs"


After I go upstairs to get her the pain relief medicine I come back and get her a glass of water then bring it to her

"Thanks.. also..can you bring me some ice cream?" She asks shyly

"Ok you could walk Jennifer."

She starts to groan then stretch and act all slow and fake and whined

"Fine fine...lazy ass"

"Hehe thaaank you"


I scoop some ice cream and put it in a bowl and got a spoon and brought it to her

"Here you go mam enjoy" I say sarcastically

"Love ya"

She ate her ice cream then went on her phone again and started texting fast and hard again. It's just cause she's moody and on her period right? I should know the answer to this but I don't.

I guess I'll just ignore it she's in a mood I'm sure.
I'm at work. Really bored... I'm doing nothing but filing important shit for the office but that's all. I have an assistant doing a lot but now that's she's doing a lot I barely have anything but I guess that's good for now since I'm on my period. Or else I would've been in such a horrible mood.

My job is great but I need a vacation. Reina is lucky she's gone for two weeks. I just needa break from the mess at work and drama because there's a bit of drama between some coworkers in the office and I just haven't vacationed in forever. Me and jen thought we should vacation together one time. Like schedule the same weeks off and just have a best friend vacation. We don't know when yet. Maybe in three months. That's a long time from now and it would be at the end of the month.

It's not lunch time and I'm going out to get lunch. Right as I get into my car to leave jen calls me



"What's up?"

"I-I don't know..what are you doing I At the moment?"

"You know I'm on lunch break at this time everyday. I'm getting ready to drive and get tacos since it's taco Tuesday!" I say happily


"Why? Aren't you starting break too?"



"Can we meet up? I'll go to where you wanted to eat. I just wanna talk"

"Oh okay. Anything wrong?"

"I think.. we'll.. no. I don't know! Ugh"

"Okay we can talk about it when we get there. What's it about?"


"Oh no"

Jen sighs over the phone "I'll be there in 10"

"Okay same with me. See ya"


She didn't sound okay there at the end..I'm worried. Did I speak too soon about reina and jen being on good terms? Fuck

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