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Jens pov

The next day after work me and Leah went to this outside mall and did a bit of shopping. She said she was taking me out on a friend date since I've been so sad. She's so sweet but she might get me in my feelings..especially for her. Since it's already been increasing which is bad. Only reason I could get into my feelings is cause Leah's treating me a way I would want to and shes being too sweet as a bestfriend. I'm just taking it in a different way. And I feel like I'm single already ready to mingle since reina is being a dumb ass bitch right now. I've never hated her to the point that I felt single. She's getting on my nerves. A real girlfriend would text and call or FaceTime me everyday or at least make a decent excuse when she's gone for two weeks. I'm seeing her again Sunday night. If she thinks she's getting it from me that night, she is for sure wrong.

So me and Leah just walked around to shop more. She was on her phone while we walked looking through Snapchat. Then she held her phone up and starting recording herself. I leaned in so I could be in the video, putting my head on her shoulder and smiling and saying hi cutely. Then she stopped recording and posted it.

"Are you feeling a bit better?" She asks me and locks arms with me as we walk. "Yeah.. I guess so. Thank you for all of this honestly. I haven't felt so happy in a while. You're helping me feel better"

"I'm glad I am. I know what you're dealing with right now. Same shit happened with Andrew and I. I promise you I'll do my best just to make you happy"

"Ugh leah you're too sweet."

"I just want my girl to be happy" she says. Melts my heart.

The night felt like it went by fast but I enjoyed every second of it. After she dropped me off at home I went through my front door and then closed the door behind me and Blue comes running to me "Hey you!" I giggle and play with her a bit. Then I stand back up and walk upstairs to my room knowing she's following me but whatever.
I showered then went to bed and went on my phone after turning the tv on.
I keep seeing some of reinas family whose on vacation with her posting pictures on social media and it still bothers me how reina has her phone in some pictures but she doesn't even text me back right away. It's not that fucking hard to at least say "hey baby I'll read your messages later since I'm busy at the moment". Fucking whore.
Leah's pov

Another day in the office. Of course today is a stressful day. Including my meeting after work which sucks. I wanted to go straight home and maybe hang out with Jennifer. I'm feeling in some type of mood but I can't seem to describe it.

"Leah can I speak to you for a minute? If you're not too busy"

"Oh Yeah sure"

"Okay. So you're new assistant, he'll start next week. Just reminding you about it. He said he's ready for what comes to him so I'm guessing he's really experienced?"

"Oh right! Yeah okay I won't forget. Finally. I've been needing a new one since I don't have my old assistant anymore. Hopefully I could have a good friendship with this one too"

"Yeah. He seems nice but good luck!"

"Thank you!"

So yea I'm getting a new assistant since my old one moved out of state. There was nothing wrong with him. He was an amazing friend. He was gay as well. I had two gay friends yup. He was my favorite person in the office but her had to move sadly. Hopefully my new one isn't any less than him.
Friday night I'm at jens place and we plan on getting drunk tonight. She didn't wanna go out and get drunk. She wanted to stay home. We did invite friends over though so it's not just the two of us

Once everyone arrived and ate jen was already setting up for a game that involves drink. Damn she's a mess.
We had to have a partner so me and jen partnered up. Some couples were here so they partnered up too and then the single ones partnered. The game was a memorization game. And whenever we messed up we would have to drink until our partner says to stop and then the other way around too. It's a really fun game though and it gets loud.

Later on jen already messed up three times but I didn't make her drink too much. But she made me drink a lot on purpose and all she does is laugh at me.

"Why are you trying. To get me drunk?" I ask her feeling buzzed "It's funny."She says.
Jens pov

I want Leah drunk because I'm in the mood to express a lot of things I don't want her to remember much. I mean like how I feel. I wanna get drunk too though so I won't regret this knowing I did some dumb shit.

Some partners are sitting on the couch, some are standing, some are on the floor like me and Leah. I'm laying on Leah's shoulder waiting for my turn. Leah's buzzed, not too much but I can tell. Which is good. Keeping her mind off of things. She said she was stressed and needed sex but now she's a tiny bit drunk so everything is fine. But me? I'm not too buzzed yet. I wanna get drunk though. Help. She keeps making me drink a little bit only.

"Oh- Okay jen you messed up so Drink!" She raises her voice almost yelling. "Okay damn" I giggle and drink
"Chug chug chug!" Leah says and I stop and give a confused look. "I'm kiddiiing." She scrunches up her nose and leans in towards me and my eyes immediate shoot down to her smile. So beautiful..
I took another sip then it was someone else's turn next so they went. But I was still focused on Leah next to me. I keep looking at her. I love drunk Leah but of course when she's safe.. she's almost there to being drunk.

"I gotta pee. Come with meee" Leah says to me "Me? Why..?" She stands up and just pulls me up so I end up following her. We get in my bedroom that leads into one of my bathrooms but we don't go in the bathroom. She just closes my room door.

"Leah go pee" I say

"I-..wait..You..you have something on your mind" she says slowly because of the alcohol. " I know you do"

"Yeah and I'm trying to get drunk so hurry up"

"Shut up!" She says and I widen my eyes. "Listen. You wanna get drunk.. because of Reina. Plus you've got other things..going through your mind..huh?"

"Well yeah.."

She walks closer so me and I'm in front of my door so I can't back up. She puts her hands on my face gently and looks into my eyes. I'm scared. And getting hot. I don't know what's happening at all.

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