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Leah's pov

I'm at jens place at 11 pm. We both have work tomorrow and I was about to sleep but she was crying through the phone so much I felt bad. And I did tell her I'd be here if this happened.

She's laying on the couch right now ranting while crying to me and all I can do is listen. She explained everything and I could just feel her pain. She's going through something similar to what I went through. Without the cheating though.

I sat by jen while she was laying down on the couch and helped wipe her tears off but it just kept coming down. Her makeup was a mess.

"Leah what did I do to deserve this?" She complained "Well you did cheat"

"Leah she fucking cheated on me first that's the whole reason why I did what I did!" She yelled "I know I was just kidding jen"

She sat up and looked at me "you're not helping!" She says then burys herself in my arms. I feel her squeezing me and she cried louder. I never realized she'd be this hurt even though she knew. She just couldn't face the truth and now she is.

"Where's blue" she says with a more muffled voice since she's talking into my chest.

"I don't know. Want me to go look for her?"

"Blue!" She yells into my chest calling for blue. Then she backs up and looks around. Her eyes are so puffy and red and just a whole mess.
"Blue come here" She says and blue pops up from behind a corner walking towards us then jumps onto the couch. Jen fully let's go of me and plays with blue more. She could tell jen is sad though.

"You need some sleep jen. It's almost 12"

"I don't think I can sleep"

"I'll sleep over"

"Please" she pouts and hugs me again. I hug her back and just let her cry it all out. Hours later when her crying died down she just laid down with me on the couch and fell asleep. Great now I gotta wake up early to shower since I was supposed to shower tonight.

I just rubbed her back softly as she was asleep then I fell asleep.

Days later

Jen is still sad but she's getting better. She's at her house right now. I had a plan today and that was to go confront Reina for breaking such a kind heart who deserves nothing but happiness.

I'm meeting her at this store. I told her I needed her help picking something that she said she'd always help me with. Since she's the only person I know who knows about this

"Hey!" I say nice to her but I was being fake. She says hi back and have a little convo then We walk around the store together finding this certain type of food I wanted to buy but I decide to bring shit up right away

"So you and jen?"

"Oh..right. Well we broke up you obviously know that..She hasn't been responding to my calls or texts" she sighs

"Well..Yeah..you cheated on her"

"I was drunk! And then the girl I hooked up with turned out liking me more and then I went with it and she happened to live in California too leaving the same day I was going to leave and.."

"You spent the night there"


"You're stupid. Jen really loved you. She'd tell me how she felt all the time since she felt like it wasn't necessary to tell you. She felt like you didn't care and this whole time she was right."

"Ok first off. I knew you would bring this up but I thought I'd give you a chance and assume you also wouldn't bring it up because it would be awkward but I guess not. Here we are. I love Jennifer too and-"

"No..you don't"

"I do"

"Then why'd you make her cry all night the night you too broke up? She was literally broken and I didn't even know how to calm her down. I felt her pain and you just didn't give a fuck knowing this would happen. She gave you a second chance for a reason. She trusted you to not make this mistake again and now her trust issues are even more effective. I honestly can't believe you. She deserves all the happiness she can get. She doesn't do anything wrong to deserve to get what you did. She's such a pure person who just wants to be in love with someone who loves her the same way. I really hope you feel ashamed for the rest of your life"

She just looks at me with the most serious face then leaves. Well At least I got the thing I needed. She can't even make some excuse up. I'm glad jen broke up with her. She really doesn't deserve this.

I later got home and cleaned up around the house. Then I showered and worked on my computer. Well I was trying to but procrastination was in the way. I was looking at the pictures we took at the Bahamas. Mostly at jens and she just looked so happy and now she's broken. It hits me..what if she falls even harder for me? I love her but my feelings are not as much as she has feelings for me. Yeah the sex is great, the sex was just mainly cause I hadn't had good sex in so long and she just found me attractive and that led on. And now we keep having sex. Well it's been almost a week ever since so the distance helps. What if she just focuses on me while trying to forget the whole break up? I'm not ready to be in another relationship at the moment. And even if I were I don't think I'd act on it with Jennifer. She's amazing but it's just weird. We are best friends. I have to keep my distance as in sex from her or else this won't go well and I might even break her heart again if I can't deal with it and she's already broken enough. Ugh. What did I get myself into.

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