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Jens pov

Weeks later

I'm the most sensitive person. Leah yelled at me earlier and now I'm crying. She doesn't know yet. Well it's more of a silent cry. I'm on my couch while she was in the kitchen making me lunch.

"Lunch is ready" she said and I didn't answer. I just got up and went in the kitchen wiping my eyes as Blue follows. She doesn't notice till I started eating that I was upset.

"You're really crying?" She asks me but I don't respond again. "Jen I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just stressing out. More people are finding out about us and-"

"Does it really hurt to have people know we like each other?! Am I harmful in your life that you have to hide what we have?"

"N-no. I'm just- the people who will judge me" "Leah. Half of our friends already know. You might as well come out."

"That's the thing though. I'm getting more comfortable with me being bi but it's us. We were best friends. Everyone knows us as the most popular friendship then they find out we are in love?"

I ignore and continue to eat. "I'm sorry"

"I would be more happy if you would just come the fuck out." I said a little too sassy. "It's not that easy" "I don't even wanna argue about this so whatever. Forget about it."

We stayed home the whole day. I already forgot about the whole situation. I don't care if people find out I'm dating my best friend.  It's cute.  But she's worried about what people will say.

The next day she came over again. Even thought we are kind of not talking to each other. We just sat in the living room watching movies on Netflix but we didn't even sit by each other and it kind of annoyed me.

I stood up and went upstairs. I knew she watched but I'm just going to take a shower.
Leah's pov

I'm being stubborn about all this but it's just hard for me to take this all in. But I hate this silent treatment. So I have to ignore it if I want jens attention.

I heard the shower on so I decide to join her. I went upstairs and took everything off but wrapped myself in a towel.
"Can I join?" I ask "Yeah..whatever. I'm almost done"


Once I got in she stayed for a minute. Oh well. I just continued my shower and then dried myself and put on some leggings and a tank top. I looked good in it. Maybe it'll make jen actually talk to me.

I joined her back downstairs and sat on the couch. This time she moved over and sat by me and leaned her head on me. What the heck. Bipolar ass.

"Wanna go shopping?" She asks me. "Yeah I guess" I said "yes or no?" She said with a tone "y-yes"

"Okay get ready" she said and stood up and my eyes went right to her ass when she passed me. It's crazy how big it is oh my gosh.

Later we got to the mall and got some ice cream first. We sat at this bench by the wall and ate it without talking to each other. But we didn't even go on our phones.

"Can I ask you something?" I say "hmm ?" "How'd you come out?"

She sighed and looked at me. "Well.. I literally just told people I'm dating a girl. I didn't care. People were shocked though because I'm such a girly girl and there was no sign that I found women attractive but I really do find them attractive. It bothered me but I got over it because I was just happy I was with someone who makes me happy..well at that time"

"Oh..." I pause "I feel bad now..you make me happy it's just I'm scared" "but people know already. They don't see anything wrong with it. Shit, a lot of people tell me we are the cutest gay couple"

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