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Leah's pov

I just want jen to be happy but she isn't. She obviously isn't..

I ended up sleeping over and took her out the next day. She wanted to go to the dog park first so we did. We just sat on the bench while she played catch with blue. Then she gave her treats and then leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Go plaaay" she complains to blue but she won't listen. She's just sitting there looking at both of us "does she hate or love me? I feel like she thinks I'm dangerous cause I'm at your house a lot and like you know..causing you to make noise in your bedroom. What if she's scared"

"Don't be silly she's not. Maybe she just thinks it's weird how we went from friends to fuck buddies" She shrugged her shoulders and held my hand we had our fingers locked and I kissed her forehead. She looked up at me and smiled. "What was that for?"

"Nothing I just felt like I wanted to kiss you"

She giggled and formed her lips to kiss me and I kissed her on her lips then she looked back down at blue who was wagging her tail standing up.

"Yeah I don't think she's scared. She senses something between us"

"'Mmm. Yeah probably"

After a few minutes of enjoying the fresh air and dogs roaming around. This guy approached jen with his dog.

"Hi! Um-"

"Oh hi! It's Jennifer haha. Nice to see you here again! How's it going?"

"Going great! I'm learning more about this all."

"Oh good! That's good.." there was a pause and jen lets go of my hand "Oh this is leah! Leah this is Rick"

"Hey nice to meet you"

I have no idea who this guy is but okay he's cute..

"I met him last time I was here. Helping him out with his dog"

"Yeah I'm a new dog owner and needed some tips and she helped me out"

"Oh I see. Well welcome to the dog world" I joke

Then jen and him continue talking for a little then it was me and him talking for a while also cutting jen off. I didn't mean to but he seemed more interested in me.

"It was nice seeing you again!" Jen says after we ended our conversation. We said our goodbyes and jen pulled me with her to walk away. After we got far she let go of me and walked to the car. I unlocked it from far so she got in right away with her dog and kind of slammed the door. Shit.

I walked to my side of the car and took a deep breath before I got in Knowing she might snap at me.

I start the car and think of somewhere to eat. Then I thought of the best place and start driving.

"Don't you find it funny when like... two people mess around with each other a lot yet still flirt with other guys"

"Uhh What?"

"Or also when a friend steals a guy from you"

"Steals? You're gay jennifer.."

"Yeah but he doesn't know that and he was so into me!"

"Why should it matter to you though? You'd break his heart at the end anyways"

"Well maybe I wanted to try something out and actually know how it feels like when someone really likes me instead of just fucking around. If his heart breaks then oh well. I know how it feels. Nothing new"


"Okay jen I wasn't stealing him. Maybe he's into us both. It doesn't matter. We have each other. Just don't act on it just help him out with dog shit and you're fine. I'm not purposely flirting with him."

She looked out her window while I was driving and sighed while holding her dog. I reach over for her thigh and keep driving even though she ignored it. I'm here dealing with emotional jen. Sucks cause I don't know where this will go but at the same time I don't mind dealing with her. It's just hard.

I've been texting jens sister while we were out eating. I know it's rude to keep going on my phone especially cause of the situation we are in right now but her sister is helping me out with things.

We were eating out on the patio so that we could have blue sitting by us. We started eating then suddenly a dog was walking by and blue started barking and her leash pulled hard. Jen tried grabbing her cause she was about to chase the dog but jen knocked over all her ice cold water onto her shirt. It was a white shirt so it became see through. She froze but I reached over for blue and tugged her towards us till the dog was fully gone.

Jen took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Then opened it and pushed her hair back. I felt bad.

"Here I'll go get some napkins"

"No no it's..it's fine"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure."

We continued to eat. All I can see is jens bra under. Its a pretty black lace bra. I gave her my sweater so she can cover up and thankfully she accepted it.

After eating we got back in the car.
"Where do you wanna go?" I ask her "I just wanna go home"

"You sure?"

"Yes leah I'm sure."


It was a quiet ride there all the way to her house. Once we got to her house she immediately took her seatbelt off and carried blue and stepped out. I decided to stay with her just Incase.

"Blue Stop" I hear her raise her voice "blue! Stop!" I walk to the door and blue keeps bugging jens leg and barking a lot. Jen finally got the door to open and she went inside and me and blue followed.

Jen went straight upstairs to her room and slammed her door. I think she's changing but if she takes forever I might just leave. Maybe she doesn't want company.

I sit at the couch and watch tv and play with blue. Minutes later jen came down stairs and started cleaning up around her kitchen, washing dishes and shit. I went to where she is and asked if she needed help but she said she didn't. She was almost done.

I wrapped my arms around jen from behind but she continued to wash the dishes.

"Leah get off I can't concentrate"

"Concentrate on washing dishes?"

"Yes okay?!"

"You need to relax babe I know you're annoyed but you seem stressed too."

"I'm just tired. Of everything. Sorry."

I just held onto her as she finished her last dish to wash. Once she did finish she washed her hands and tried drying it but instead raised her voice at me "Leah let go!"

"I-..sorry" I sigh and walk away going back to the couch. I just wanted to be all sweet with her but she's so moody.
I was sitting at the couch for a while and she finally sat by me and immediately hugged me.
"I'm sorry. I'm just stressed and tired of a lot of things and didn't mean to put my anger on you."

"I just wanna help"

"I don't know what you can do to help"

"Well...I know that I can't help with exactly what the problem is but I can help you with that stress"

She smirks and bites her lip "two days in a row? I'd be tired of myself"

"I'll never get tired of you and your body and your moans" I say and she giggles. This night changed quick and I didn't think it could get better than yeterday but it did. Us having sex together gets better everytime.

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