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Leah's pov

I'm out shopping for a present for someone's birthday. That someone is Rick. His birthday is tomorrow and I'm getting this last minute but oh well. It's been just a month since me and him started dating so I'm not completely sure about everything he likes but I know his favorite type of shoes so I might as well just buy those. I don't like to spend money on people but I did on him. Then I went a little shopping for myself then left. I stayed in my car for a little thinking about where I want to eat. Then I get a text..from jen? That makes me happy that this could still work out. Our friendship that is.

"Wanna go out for lunch? I'm bored lol" She says

"Yeah sure! Where at?"

"Where are u right now?"

"The mall"

"Okay. How about this new place I discovered which is absolute amaazing! I know you'd like it and it's close to the mall"

"Okay sure. Send me the addy and I'll be on my way :) "

She sent it to me but I stayed for another 10 minutes cause I know she'll be taking some time to get ready. Once I got there I got nervous for some reason. She wasn't here yet of course so I got seated. She came a few minutes after and once she was here I stood up and hugged her. "Jen!" I smile "hiii!" She giggles and we sit down. Good start.

Pretty much this lunch turned out better than I thought. There was some point that we got deep into our conversation but it's okay..it fixed things..kinda. I learned that she does still have feelings for me and she hates Rick but I knew she would. I mean duh she likes me. Plus I stole him from her..kinda. Even when I said I wouldn't but we resolved things. I know she'll still hate him though.

"Was I that drunk that day?" She asks me and i giggle "Yeah. Pretty drunk it was funny. You yelled at me and your sister and then said I'm pretty..and yeah"

"Wow. Sorry for yelling."

"Don't worry. I know how you are" I wink and she rolls her eyes "don't wink at me. Please." She giggled "I'll think you're teasing me" "oh sorry I won't wink haha"

After I paid for the check we said our goodbyes. I got in my car and jen was nowhere around. This feeling is weird. Like I'm happy we are fixing things but she still has feelings for me. She won't hide that. She hates my boyfriend but I feel so bad. Like she still has my heart. We've always been there for each other for years so me knowing she's feeling some type of way effects me. But I'm not gonna think much about it. I'm just happy we are working things out.


Jens pov

That lunch was cool. It makes me miss her even more. Her voice, her laugh, her smile, the hug was the best which hyped me up for the whole time we were there. That scent. Her scent. I missed that the most. Ugh. My feelings for her are crazy but I know I won't have a chance so I have to deal with just being friends. I mean that's what I wanted though right? Like I said, I could keep my feelings to myself.

We hang out like once a week or every other week. Pretty distant but at least we hang out. The best day we hung out was when we went to the mall together. It was so fun and it felt like the old days. The laughing, trying on clothes and posing, we were just comfortable with each other like nothing happened. It was so fun I was thinking of just letting go the whole situation but I won't. I'm not forgiving her ever. That was pretty embarrassing the way things ended even though nobody realized what was happening.

Now on the other hand me and Andrew have gotten close too. Really close. Let's just say he tried convincing me to have sex with him. I was up for it but I kept having second thoughts and we ended up not doing it. All there was, was just a kiss. I hated it.  His beard kept poking my skin. I'm sticking to girls. But I liked the feeling..like not my heart but like it felt like revenge to Leah. Her ex best friend about to fuck her ex boyfriend.  Funny.

The rest of the week went great. I have another party tonight and me and Leah have mutuals so I'm gonna see her and this time talk to her.

I decided to dress casual but hot. I wore a push up bra because it went well with the top I was wearing and I wore ripped jeans and booties. I left my hair down and of course wore my hoop earrings. I didn't exactly warn Leah that Andrew is coming. He's picking me up too but I know that Rick knows so he should tell her. Not my problem.

I was standing up by Andrew talking to him while we were standing next to the bar in the backyard that my friend has. Then I heard a familiar voice "Jeeeennnn!" It was Leah. I turned around and got one second to look at her whole self. She looked amazing. I smiled and hugged her. "Hi!" I felt the air pass me and her scent flow by. My favorite. She looked passed me and her whole facial expression changed "what's he doing here? With you? Is he with you?" She asks "h-hi Leah" he stutters. He's nervous. "Hey..why're you here?" "I thought Rick told you?"

Leah looks and rick and crosses her arms. "I-I forgot" Rick says "what the fuck" she says and shakes her head then looks at me "this is weird- I- wow" she says and widens her eyes at me. I know. It is weird. She's fucked all of us and we are all together. I didn't wanna think of that but then it came up in my head once Leah said it was weird...whoops

Leah pulled me aside to talk to me.
"Um why are you two talking to each other?" She says in a serious tone "I-Well we've been talking for a while actually. He didn't do anything wrong to me leah so there's no reason why I shouldn't talk to him" "he fucked up in our relationship. He made me feel like shit. He was a horrible man" I raise my brows and give her this look "Don't start jen." "I didn't say anything." "Okay but why? Why are you talking to him?" "Well there's nothing in the way of me talking to him."

Leah looked confused "b-but...I'm your best friend.. we should have each other's backs..but you're here talking to my ex? How long has it been?"

"I-..you did not really just say that did you? Do you just completely block out what happened between you and I? Do I have to walk away from you yet again??" I start raising my voice. I'm so annoyed know. Leah is obviously forgetting what the real issue is. She really ignored the fact how much she hurt me. "And it's been a few weeks actually. To top that off we almost had sex" "y-you what?? Almost?" I nodded my head yes and turned around to walk away but she grabbed my arm "Wait..why?" "Why? Cause well I'm not taken..I wanted to get things off of my mind but I decided not to because I feel guilty for fucking around with someone while I'm still in love with someone else even though she isn't in love with me" I shrugged and she let go and didn't say a word and I walked away.

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