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Leah's pov

I'm on my lunch break out picking something up for my boss. It's closer to jens work too but I don't think I'll have time to say hi to her. Once I got to the place there was a long line of people waiting to order but luckily we ordered ahead of time. I'm picking up some pastries that he needed for a meeting he's having in an hour and it's more like a get together to celebrate who knows what. All he told me was to pick up his order for his meeting.

The employee came back up to the counter and asked for the name. I gave it to him and he went back to get the order so I waited. I looked around to see how long the line was and I just feel bad for them all. I turned back around and looked down at my phone but it just hit me. I swear I saw a familiar face. I looked back again and it was Rick..wait wait.. rick and Andrew. Are they together? What the fuck since when were they friends? My ex and some guy whose been flirting with me lately..friends? Please tell me this is just a coincidence. I don't wanna be seen now.

Luckily my order just finished so I got it, paid then walked away putting my sunglasses on and I had to pass by them since the exit is by them.

"Leah?" A manly voice says. Shit. It's quickly running through my head if I should ignore or not but then he said my name again and I automatically turned to look.

"I-oh! Hi Rick! Andrew" I say and didn't know if I should hug or not but Rick reached in to hug so whatever. Then I just waved at Andrew "you two know each other?"

"We recently became friends" Andrew says. It's weird that two guys like them are together getting pastries at a place like this. "Oh that's nice. Well I have to get back to work. Just had to pick this up for my boss so-"

"You and jen will be back at the park this afternoon?" Rick interrupts "uh..well I don't know yet we both have to work a little late. Maybe on the weekend"

"Oh okay. Let me know" he says "right. See you guys" I say and quickly walk away. The second I sit in my car and start it, I called Jen. I had to, i was kind of freaked out.

I explained everything to her and shes suspicious also. It's too weird that Andrew has followed jen a lot and now me but Rick was with him and all of a sudden they're friends. Rick tries his way to me and Andrew is my ex who still somewhat loves me I think. Oh Lord.
It's finally the weekend and the party is later tonight so Jen and I are just hanging out the whole day. I came over to her house and brought all my shit to dress up in and also sleep over.

We went to the dog park a little earlier than she would usually go because she found that whole situation too weird plus she wanted to go eat somewhere afterwards.

After we walked Blue and let her play with some dogs and us, we sat back at our usual spot and just talked.
"That's gross. Leah what if they both like you" jen says "how is it gross? Im not doing anything with them" I say and reach over for Blue to sit on my lap and play with her. "It's funny cause they looked like a gay couple too. It's just weird having two grown guys go together to the pastry place I went to. It's either mostly girls or a guy alone whose either a dad or going back to their office after."

"Haha well maybe they're gay" jen jokes and I look at her and scrunch my nose "oh my gosh imagine" I giggle "Do they know we're lesbian?" "Obviously Rick doesn't know. Andrew still knows us. But I'm not a lesbian. He just knows you are" "Leah again with that bullshit. You are totally a lesbian" she shakes her head "no im not. Probably bi. Not straight up a lesbian though. I only find you attractive. Plus we aren't a couple..meaning it's just a thing we have." I say trying to keep things lowkey by the way I say it. "What do you mean?" "You know..like I'm not your girlfriend but we fuck a lot and treat each other good" "hmm..guess you're right"

I'm right? Okay so she gets the point that we aren't more than just a thing. Hopefully I could keep this up without hurting her. Just take baby steps.
"Leah are you ready?" Jen calls out from her room as I was getting ready in a different room since she kept hogging the mirror. "Yeah" I say and go over to her room. It's messier than it was before I left. I sat on her bed to put my heels on while she was in her bathroom. It smells like hair spray, perfume, soap and shampoo in this room. I stood up and checked myself out at the mirror and she came out already in heels all put together. I look up at her and stare hard. She looks amazing. Definitely not helping my situation.

"Wow.." she says softly and eyes me down. I'm wearing a black dress that stops 5 inches above my knees. It's also an off the shoulder dress that hugs my body. Then my hair in down and curled. I also had hoop earrings on and not too heavy but also not too light of makeup.

Now jen looked even better. It's a black dress too but hers was very revealing. Her whole back shows and her dress is even shorter. I'm sure she had purposely put on a push up bra. She smells amazing too. Her hair was straight, flowing down her back. She just looked so stunning. She caught me staring and did a spin to show off everything and my eyes immediately went to her ass.

"Like?" She asks and I look back up "you look beautiful" I say and smile "so do you" she smiles back and comes closer and closer til I was against the frame at the end of her bed "I'd like to have some fun with you tonight" she says and drags her fingers along my shoulders softly feeling me skin and observing me. "Your makeup is perfect" she says. I'm halfway sitting at the edge of the frame. She has one leg in between mine and just kept dragging her fingers along my collar bone.

Then she lowered her hands to my waist and pecked my lips and smiled again. She looked down and brought it even lower to my sides. She had gotten one hand onto my ass and squeezed it lightly "thanks for wearing this dress" she smirks "guess what I'll be thinking about the whole night whenever I look at you. Your ass looks great in it." she says and I tilt my head and play along "what is it?" "Everything I could've been doing to you at that moment."

I giggled and shook my head and put my hand at her chest "nobody knows about us so try and not make it obvious please"

"I won't..I mean I'll try but damn..." she pauses and leans closer. Close enough that her thigh is in between my legs against me. She brought her lips closer and quietly mumbled "..look at you" and kissed me slowly.

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