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Jens pov

2 days later

Me and Leah haven't hung out in a few days because of our busy schedule but I'll see her tomorrow. Thank god I feel so lonely. Reina doesn't live with me but we see each other all the time so it's just different for me.

I'm FaceTiming reina right now before she goes to bed since her time is ahead of mine. She just told me how the vacation is going and that she misses me. For some reason I didn't feel anything through this little FaceTime session but it's okay I guess. It's cause we're not together and she's tired. I don't know but two weeks feels like forever ugh.

I'm on my way to get myself Starbucks before I go to work. But the line for the drive thru was so long and inside it was empty so I got my lazy ass up and went inside instead of the drive thru.

I ordered my drink and a croissant and then sat down at a free table and waited till they made my drink.

"Lunch today?" I text Leah even though she's coming over my house tonight

"Yeah sure. Where at?"

"I don't know yet lol I'll get back to you on that"

"Okay sounds good😊"

I look back up and just look around looking at my surroundings and see the people around. Then I make eye contact with this random guy. I hate that. Now they're gonna think someth- Wait... holy shit that's Leah's ex..oh fuck. He looks so different.  The last time I saw him was months ago. I didn't know he turned a bit ugly. I mean he was good looking before now he looks different. I don't think he looks like that because of misery because Leah and him barely broke up just last weekend unless he just statrted looking like that towards the end of their relationship. I keep looking at him at times he's not looking but then he caught me this one time. Dammit

I look down and text Leah again

"Omg it's Andrew"


"I'm at Starbucks waiting for my order and he's here sitting at one of the tables. We made eye contact"

"Omg . Wtf."

"Yeah lol. Damn I haven't seen him for that long? He looks different"

"Did he notice you?"

"Idk he stared for a bit but I looked away"

"That's weird he never goes to starbucks this early in the morning. Omg. What if he went there cause he knew you were going there since u go there a lot in the morning. What if he planned that so he can see u and talk to me??"

I didn't read Leah's message till after I talked to Andrew cause Yeah.. I ended up talking to him and Leah just kept spamming me

"How's Leah?" He asks straight to the point after we said hi to each other

"She's doing fine..and yourself?"

"I've been better. I miss her"

I sighed.. I can't tell what kind of person he's being right now. If he's lying or not

"She's been ignoring all my texts and calls and I wrote a long ass paragraph apologizing to her. I left a voicemail apologizing to her. Yes a voicemail. And I don't know if you're helping her get better telling her like she doesn't need me or some shit but if you are please stop. I know you're her bestfriend helping her with everything but I know me and her can work out. I just was blindsided and need to be a better person"

"Well I think you should work on it first before you get back to Leah and hurt her again because she doesn't have time or deserve any of that. She deserves the fucking world and you made her feel like shit. so come back to her somehow when you've changed....I'll see you around" I say and right after my name gets called and I get my order and leave. All that felt like complete bullshit. He's lying.

"Sorry I was just done talking to him" I text Leah back then drive off to work from Starbucks

"What happened? You talked to him why??!"

"Wait I'll text you when I get to work brb"

"Okay. Drive safe."
Leah's pov

I don't fucking know why jen talked to him when she's the one blocking him on my own phone. I wonder what they talked about but jens driving right now I don't wanna cause her an accident so ima Wait. I'm already at work so I'll take up some time while I wait to actually do my work like I should be instead of focusing on my ex boyfriend.

She finally texted me. I got the notifications but now I'm busy as hell. I only read the beginning of the notification

"I talked to him and he asked how you were and said he misses you and..."

That's all I read. Fuck. That's obviously gonna bother me till I'm able to read the text.

It's been hours and I still haven't been able to read the text. Not until I was ready to go out for lunch and meet jen. She texted me the location and I said I'd be there in 10 minutes but I didn't even leave yet because I was reading everything she texted me.

"Wait so he still cares?" I text back

"Tf Leah why're you reading the text and driving"

"I haven't left yet"

"Leah! I'm already five minutes away"

"Just reserve our table for us I'm leaving now"

"I'll tell you everything when we are there now please get off your phone and drive"

"Okay damn. I didn't know you cared this much about my driving safety"

"I care for your safety of course i want you to be okay. So text me when you're here"


I really didn't realize till now that Jens always cared so much for me. Yeah she's my bestfriend but I guess I was blindsided when I had Andrew as my man and now I'm just realizing more things about her.

Happy thanksgiving jeleah luvers !!!! 💖😂😂 very thankful for each and every one of you guys frfr🤧💗

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