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Leah's pov

Once we got to my house before I could get out of the car, jen pulls me to face her and she just kisses me slowly. My whole self just relaxed and kissed her back. I brought my hands to her hair running my fingers through them. She's starts pushing me back as she kissed harder. I pulled back a little bit and smiled. "My door is open you're going to make me fall out of my car" "sorry" she says innocently. And backs up more and gets out of the car. I do the same and get to my house door and open it then help jen carry her things. We put them inside the living room and once I put the last bag down I closed my front door. I felt her hands on my waist and laughed to myself. "Jen we can't make this a thing" I turn around and say although this thing only happened once. but she's giving me this cute but hot look. She pushes her hair back running her fingers through it and leans closer to me. "I get horny when I'm drunk though" she whispers. "You're not that drunk you said" "ok you're right. I'm sober enough to know I wanna do this again even though it's wrong to" She says and drags her fingers onto my jawline then brings it to my lips. "Please" she whispered making my breathing shaky. I feel her boobs against mine and she already had one leg in between my leg leaning in. I sigh and she started to kiss me on my neck. "Okaayy" I say and she pulls back and smiles. She holds my hand and pulls me to my own room. She jumps onto my bed still in her short dress and heels and laid down. I crawl on top and she pulls me down and started to make out. I felt her rub her crotch against my one leg that was in between her legs and I'm telling you..she was wet. I don't know what got into her.

"Mmm" she moaned into my lips while she was grinding onto my leg. Then she turned her head to the side and had her mouth open. "Oh fuck" she breathes out and rubs onto me faster and brought one hand to my back and the other to her pussy and rubbed her clit while still rubbing onto me. I find this attractive and I'm actually getting wet myself. She went slowly and her breathing was heavy. She looked up at me and pulled me down to kiss me again. She's like obsessed with my lips.
She's not that drunk. Just a bit. But if she was sober I know she wouldn't have just came on my leg.

After I satisfied her needs cause she practically begged me, she had me on my back now and just kept teasing me. Long enough to get me thinking..shit.

"W-Wait jen Wait.."

"Yes?" She says looking up at me then uses her tongue to play with my clit.

"Fuck.." I whispered. "What is it?" She asked then slowly inserted her fingers in me. She went slow at first waiting for my response. But I couldn't because I liked this. I don't get why I like this..I'm straight
"So You had something to tell me?" She asked as we are laying naked in my bed. "I-..well..I don't know"

"Tell me"

"Ugh...k..well..Jennifer you're not single. You have a girlfriend and I'm straight. Why are we doing this?"

"You're not straight" she laughs and kisses my cheek "tell that to my tongue that was just on your-"

"Okay okay! I'm not that straight.. thanks to you.. but jen...what about reina? And you're my bestfriend..don't you think it'll get weird?"

"It should've been weird by now but you let me get to you and fuck tonight soo." She shrugs her shoulders. She really doesn't care if she has a girlfriend while me and jen fuck. "But- you're cheating!"

"I only did this because she cheated and now I like it"

"What if she didn't even cheat when she was on vacation? Then what?"

"Well she did cheat on me back then.." she said and sat up covering herself under the sheets and tying her hair up. "Okay But im your bestfriend.. It will get weird"

"A lot of people's lover are also their bestfriend." She's right. I mean I know what she means..the love of your life is also your bestfriend. But I'm just her bestfriend in general. Yeah we've done a lot of gay shit but never took it literally back then and now.. we're both in bed naked together.
"Listen. I don't want to get into trouble between you and Reina. The first time we did it was cause I was desperate for love and attention" she looks down at me from where she's sitting up next to me and bit her nail "so what about tonight?" I didn't have an excuse for that. I could've said no earlier but I wanted some. And Jen..she's sexy. How can I not. I guess she's right.. I'm not fully straight

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