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Jens pov

We arrived to the Bahamas and it's so gorgeous here. I'm amazed. I can't wait for this whole adventure with leah even though we are already here.

Once we got to my sisters house at opening the front door both our jaws dropped. We took slow steps inside and put our stuff down while already looking around. "Wow" I mutter to myself. "Oh my..your sister is fucking rich." Leah said. We walked around giving ourself a tour of her house. The was a huge living room, the kitchen was so beautiful, I'd love to cook something there because it's just that nice, everything here is so nicely furnished. I split up away from Leah and went to the bathrooms. They were big, like the size of a small room. All of them had showers and a bathtub. Then I head to the bedrooms and found Leah in the master bedroom which I'm staying in which is my sisters room.

"Dibs" Leah says. "What? Noo I wanted this room" "did I hear you say you wanted it? Nope." I smile and roll my eyes. "This is my sisters house. Therefore I could pick. She's my sister meaning part of me. Meaning it's my room"

"That doesn't convince me to give you this room" she jokes. "Bitch i- Leah. Seriously" I start to complain "What?" She shrugs her shoulders and asked without caring about my complaining. "Fine. How about we share this fucking room" I snapped. But she smiled "Okay"

We continued to look around truly amazed. Especially the backyard. It has a huge pool and jacuzzi. Very modern looking and then the beach is behind.
After we unpacked everything me and Leah decided to eat first since it was a long flight and all we ate were snacks. My sister let us have her chef who usually cooks for them, cook for us this vacation. Hella rich.
then we went in the backyard where the pool was and just chilled there. We were both in bikinis but I had a see through thin cover up that matched my bikini and Leah was in a bikini but had her shorts on. She was standing by a railing taking pictures of the view while I was on the chair relaxing on my phone. But I kept eyeing her. She looks so good. It's weird but just the way she's standing looks attractive. She has her long hair up in a ponytail and she's just so focused on the scenery. It's gives me chills thinking about how I'm the last person whose fucked her. I'm not saying it like she's a hoe but like..lucky me. Watch me get butt hurt when she ends up fucking someone else one day. She's not even mine.

Leah turned around wearing her sunglasses and looked at me for a second just to check if I was still here then she walked over to the chair by me and sat there. I started to play some music because the quiet was nice but it was too quiet so music it is.
Leah's pov

I'm loving it here so far and it's only the beginning. What's funny is that when I was taking pictures and videos of the scenery I accidentally had my camera facing me when I first opened it and I noticed jen was staring as my ass from behind and biting her lip. I like attention she's giving me though. But she's gotta calm down with this thing going on. I can't have her keep cheating on her girlfriend. Especially out of state vacations. But of course ima be my normal self.

I took my shorts off since I wanted to go in the pool soon. "Want something to drink?" I ask standing up. She looks up at me. She also has sunglasses on like me but I know she stopped somewhere on my body before she got to looking at my face. "Yea sure. Whatever is fine" she says in a softer tone of voice. When I got back jen was in the pool already floating in a floaty.
"Here you go" I say and put her drink by the poolside.

After I took some sips I went to the side of the pool where the entrance stairs are and slowly walked in because it was too cold.
"You look nice" jen randomly says "thanks. So do you" I smile and fully get into the pool. We just stayed in the pool for while then I went back out while jen was still in the floaty. I think she had her eyes closed and was tanning.

I went back to my chair sitting on top of my towel. My sound was on so she heard and looked at me. "Hey are you taking pictures without me?"

"No?" I lied "bitch wow okay...ooo wait can you take pictures of me on the floaty?" She asks and shits completely up on top of the floaty and posed in such an attractive way. After I took a bunch she was leaning for the picture trying she show off her boobs. I giggled and shook my head while taking it then her dumbass fell in the water and I caught it on camera.

She pops her head out of the water and flips me off. "I already diiiiddd" I say in a tone to myself but just a bit high so she could hear "Oh Shut up" she said and got out of the pool then walked in front of me. She dried her hands on my towel then went next to me. Like really close to look at my phone and see the pictures.

"Send me all of this pleeeaaase"

"Yea yea" I say and push her with my hand completely covering her whole face and she sat back in her chair and laughed.
Jens pov

I admit..I'm tryna slowly flirt my way to leah. I don't know why I don't know how but it's just this feeling inside. After what happened we can't just drop it like it never happened. We are best friends and I have a girlfriend. So I cheated on her with my bestfriend. I fell for leah. Well not in love. I mean I do love Leah but I'm not in love with her. but my weak side kicked in and now here we are. I mean this vacation is just us two. Nobody will know what happens or goes on. So I'll keep continuing what I do best which is flirting and being a tease.

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