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Jens pov

"Hey how did you like it in the Bahamas?" My sister says through the phone "amazing! I loved it. It's so beautiful there"

"I'm glad you guys liked it!"

"Yea leah wanted me to thank you a billion times."

"What did guys do there?"

"Everything I told you for our plans then we also relaxed by the pool"

"Right right...you remember that I have cameras right?"

"I- um-right"

"Mhm Okay. So you and Leah?"

"Yes? What about us?" I say acting dumb but she probably saw us from the cameras. Shit.. "since when was Leah a lesbian? Since when did u and reina break up?" She says. I expected that but I froze cause I don't know what to say "I-I-"

"Weren't you and reina kinda fighting at the party before you and Leah left?"

"Y-Yeah buT..I was drunk"

"Okay.. but what about all this? I thought you and Leah where just best friends?"

She kept asking me so many questions and I was scared..really scared. "Just please don't tell anyone. Nobody knows..this thing between me and Leah just happened"

"You two are gross. In my pool? By the pool? By the window? On my couch? I swear Jennifer. If reina finds out you're dead"

"No you don't understand! Reina cheated on me a while ago and I thought she did again when she went to Miami and like..I don't know..Leah helped me through this while I helped her with her breakup..she needed something and that's how it all started"

"How long has this been going on?"

"I don't know..just a few weeks" I sigh. We continue talking about all the details then hang up. She's not that mad. She understands me but she's just shocked and cause we fucked at her house but whatever. I just wanna see Leah. I miss that woman already. Grocery shopping sounds okay I guess. She said we can do whatever after so maybe we will go out somewhere.


Me and Leah decided just to go eat somewhere. Not fancy this time since we spent so much money during vacation. We just went to get fast food and eat it there.
"Mm..so-" I say with my mouth stuffed with food "my sister knows about us"

"She what?!"

"Calm down she won't tell. But I didn't know she had cameras around the house" I say and take a sip out of my soda. "You bitch what the fuck?! Reina will find out! I dont even want people to know yet! Oh geez"

"Nobody will know! It'll be our little secret"

"Its a big secret! You're cheating on you're girlfriend with your bestfriend."

I sigh " look... I think I wanna break up with her."


"Cause.. I'm..I guess I'm not feeling it anymore. I mean I love her so much but-"

"Hold up. If you love her so much why do you keep cheating on her with me?"

"If you're not gay why do you keep having sex with me?" I turned the question on her real quick and she gave me that "what the fuck" look. " Jennifer no. This is about you. You needa fix this. We cant keep having sex if you have a girlfriend. I'm not letting that happen anymore. Bahamas was an excuse. And then before that was cause I needed it.. now this is real shit. Reina thinks you're miss innocent but you're not. And if she's fucking someone else then find out now before you get your heart broken and then you come crying to me. I mean I'll be here for you but I'm just telling you what is right. The reason you're not feeling it anymore with Reina is because you guys have been so distant. Go on a damn date with her or something. It's been so long."

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