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Jens pov

Leah's right. I guess I am overreacting and shit. But at the same time I'm also right. I know reina. She's trustworthy but also..not? I don't know. I don't worry too much. Leah is that best friend I've dreamed of..but I never thought I'd find her attractive too..whoops. Yeah I find Leah super attractive. If I were single and she was a lesbian she would be mine by now but nope. Things don't go the way you think it would. But whenever I'm with leah I don't think about all that. She's also my best friend who I really love and I'm so glad she's my best friend because she gets me and knows just how to make me feel better. I mean yea of course I've checked her out and she's caught me but she takes it as a best friend joke plus a lesbian joke because of who I am so at least I don't make it too obvious. I even told her I'd date her but she also didn't take it seriously but it's ok. I'm not hurt because I've got no feelings for her right now. I mean I feel bad for her if anything wrong happens but other than that I'm not IN love with her. She's just good looking.
I'm with reina at her house helping her get her last things together till she drives to her cousins cause she's leaving straight from there afterwards to go on vacation. Her bags were by the door and she was just making sure everything in her house was tidy and put away before she left.

"I'm really gonna miss youuu" I say and pout

"I'll miss you too baby but I promise I'll call you" she says and hugs me. I just hug back lightly because I'm still mad. We were fighting ever since I slept over Leah's and today she acts like nothing happened. But whatever she's leaving. I don't want her to leave and we are mad at each other.

She pulled back and cupped my face and gave me a quick kiss "I'll see you in two weeks"

"Ugh..see you by then" I say sadly and help her bring her things to her car. After she left, I left and now I'm sad. I thought it would be a more interactive goodbye but all she did was say she'll miss me and and boring ass kiss.

I went back home and took a shower. After my shower I put on some pajamas then plopped onto the bed and went on my phone. I then heard a bark. It's my baby French bull. Her name is blue. She wanted to get on the bed but it's to high so I reached for her and carried her up then laid back down.

"Hi baby haha you hungry?" I say as she starts licking my face. I scroll through my phone. I was on Snapchat and I see that reina is already with her cousins so I swipe away before I start getting sad. I scroll down and see that Leah posted so I open it and see a selfie of herself. But why is se teasing snap with some cleavage showing?

"Damn whose this?" I reply to her story

"😂 stfu"

"Andrews gonna get mad youre showing those"

"Lol I don't care"


"I think I wanna break up with him"

"What?? No why?!"

"I'm sooo tired. Of everything. I can't deal with his bullshit"

"No dont leah.. just work things out. It'll get better!"

"Jen no.. I'm done lol"

"Well let us hang out me and you before you decide to break up with him so I can talk you out of it lmao"

"Whatever sure. Tomorrow night?"

"Yea. Wanna come over and I'll order us some pizza?"

"Sounds good"

Great..I don't want Leah to be heartbroken. I hate to see her sad. I don't want her to break up with Andrew because she's so happy with him. It's just they've been fighting way too much.. I kinda saw this coming though but I really tried my best to have her not think about leaving him but..she's stubborn. But she also knows what's right. I don't wanna force her or anything. If she thinks he's not right for her because of all this..well okay then. It's just also hard for me because I don't want her to ever third wheel when me and reina are together. But I give as much priority to Leah as I do to reina. They both mean a lot to me.

"Andrew.. if you really think I'm not effected by the way you treat me then what is this? I feel like I'm trapped in my home because you never let me go out. We don't even live together and I tell you everywhere I go. You don't even let me go out with Jennifer and I've known her longer than you. She's the one who saved me from drowning! You're gonna cause me a friend. A best friend if this shit keeps up."

"Baby I'm just worried about you. I can't always have you in my sight-"

"That's the thing!! You don't have to! We are literally always with each other but you don't let me hang out with friends. Life shouldn't be like that. When I thought about having a boyfriend I wanted to also be able to give time to my friends but you won't let me. And it's not only this. We just argue too much about everything! It's stressful on me. I've been too stressed out and haven't been able to handle that"

"I'm sorry. I just care about you a lot"

"Do you actually? Cause it doesn't feel like that. Actually it does. It just feels like you are in love with just a few things about me and you don't want anyone to steal me away from you. I barely feel love in this relationship and that's not what I want. I want to feel loved.." I say and sigh

Me and him are in the car fighting. This all started after our lunch together and he's dropping me off back at work. He's not even showing he cares. He's not even trying to defend himself like I thought he would in this argument right now. I literally don't feel anything anymore. I've always wanted to feel the same way I did on our first date everyday because that was beautiful. That night I was super nervous because I really liked him and wanted this to work out and become his girlfriend one day which did happen but now that he's so used to me...just...ugh. I can't stand it

"Here's your stop. So...can I take you to dinner tonight and make it up to you?"

"I-... that's it??!"


"You can't just pretend none of this happened and ask to make it up at dinner tonight. No. I'm going to Jennifer's house tonight and sleeping over. I already planned this and I literally hate canceling on her cause of you. I have a few times but she's alone tonight so I'm going. Don't even start with Me"

"So you weren't gonna tell me where you were going tonight and have me worried sick?"

"Andrew! Did I not just say-.." I pause and groan and run my fingers through my hair. "you know what..I'm done. I can't. Goodbye" I say and slam the door after I get out but he opens the window

"Wait Leah! What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm done! Us. This . We are over. Conversation is over" I say and walk away but flip him off.. that felt good but I know this will hit me later

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