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Jens pov

"Stoop" I complain to leah as we were at a bar hanging out with friends. Well we were supposed to but me and Leah ended up having both our attentions to each other.

"I'm just messing with you babe come here" she says and I walk closer to her and stand in between her legs as she's sitting up on the high stool. I look up at her and just stare.

"What time do you wanna go home?"

"I don't know. There's nothing to do at home but I'm so tired" I say with my tired raspy voice.

"Then sleep when we get home weirdo"

"Ugh" I groan and lay my head on her boobs. She rubs my back slowly then moves her hands to my hair and softly stroked it. I put my hands under her shirt cause it was comfortable for some reason.

A few minutes later Leah was talking to someone and they were being loud. I'm annoyed but why would I even try sleeping here. I feel like I'm getting old.

"I'll be back Jen I have to go to the bathroom. Unless you wanna come.. but I know you're tired"

"I'll stay here. Hurry up please." I say and let her hop off the stool and she quickly kisses me on the cheek and I watch her walk away then I sit on the stool she was sitting on. I just went on my phone and scrolled through social media. I ended up looking through Leah's Instagram and spammed her with likes and comments.

I came across one really hot picture of her that showed off all her curves and how pretty she was but she was with friends in this pic.
"Dammmmn whose the one on the far left?🤤 I need her number" I commented.

"May I buy you a drink?" This random guy asks. What? Someone's finally hitting on me? Maybe cause I'm alone and I actually look good tonight.

"I-no I'm good. Thank you" I smile and look back at my phone. "Oh okay" he says and sits at the stool by me. I saw in the corner of my eye that he wanted to talk. He was kind of facing me trying not to be awkward but he is.
"So whats your name?" He asks "uh- who are you?" I sass "Okay" he giggles "my name is Sean" "nice to meet you..Sean" i emphasized the 'Sean'. He's not bad looking but also I'd never even try if I didn't have Leah.

I went back on my phone and continued my leah lurking activities.
"So yours?"

"Why would I tell my name to someone I don't even know?" I sass again. "Okay..a sassy Latina. I don't mind that" he says and I feel his hand go on my back and slowly down to my lower back. I turned so quick and slapped his arm away, grabbed his drink he had and threw it all in his face. "Never touch girls without their approval." I say and walk away and met Leah halfway to the bathroom.

"Why so fast?" She asks "oh shit- hi- let's go home"

"Wait what's wrong? Why're you acting like that"

"Nothing I'm tired"

"Baby tell me.."

I sighed and turned around looking at where Sean was sitting. He wasn't looking. He was trying to dry up.

"Nothing...it's just..That guy tried hitting on me. He tried touching my ass but I stopped him. He only touched my back."

"He's not ugly"


"Kidding babe." She says and shakes her head and walks over to him holding my hand pulling me with her.

"Hey!" She exclaims "What?"

"My girlfriend said you were bothering her..is that true?" She says angrily and he looks at me then back at her and raises her brows "now what makes you think I'm scared of two hot lesbians?" He says and Leah lets go of my hand and slaps him hard across the face. "That's for being stupid" she said and slapped him again the other way "that's for hitting on her" then she kicks him..down there..pretty hard. "And that's for touching what's mine"

That was all so hot.
"Happy now? Someone hit on you instead of me" She says as we walk out to the parking.

"I'm so tired but I'm kind of turned on by you right now" I say with a tone

"Well I could fix that tonight If you want"
I look at her and bite my lip.


Leah's pov

7 months later

Me, jen, and some of our girl friends are out at a friends house hanging out in the backyard around this marbles fire pit. We were just making s'mores and chilling and talking about anything. Jen and I haven't been able to spend quality time like this in a while because of her new job. She's been so busy and she warned me about this but I'm so proud of her. She's making good money. She even plans on buying a new car soon.

We ended up not paying attention to everyone else. She was playing with my fingers sitting next to me leaning onto my shoulder. Little things like this makes me feel all good inside. I love her so much.

"When are you gonna sleep over again? I miss you" She asks me. "Next week I promise"


"I'll stay at your place for a few minutes tonight silly"

"I know but- I just hate sleeping alone.. I wish we just lived together"

"Well...that doesn't sound like a bad idea at all"

She looks up at me and raises her brows. "Wait really?"

"Yeah.. I mean why not?"

She thinks and looks away biting her lip then looks back at me. "I wanna move into your house..it's closer to my work. I'm so tired of driving back and forth"

"So that's a Yeah on moving in together?"


I smiled so hard and crashed my lips into hers. She softly put her hand on my cheek. I felt her smile and our friends starts making some commotion about it. I just kept pushing jen back. Once I let go she licked her lips then looked around to our friends

"What the hell was that about" someone said "forreal..but that was hot" another friend said.

"Sorry. I got excited" I said


"Me and jen just decided we wanted to move in together haha"

"Aw that's amazing!! Congrats to you both!"

"Thank you!" Me and jen both said. "Jinx" I said to her and she playfully slapped my leg.

I've gotten out of my comfort zone months ago. All my friends know I'm with jen and they're actually proud of us. Some knew it would happen too. Me and her have developed into a better stronger couple. I didn't think we would but we did and I'm proud and now we are gonna move in together. That's a big step. Jens never moves in with a partner. Not even reina. But I don't think jen could handle anymore nights without me since she's such a baby and clingy. But I love how clingy she is because it's not too much and she annoys the shit out of me but I just love knowing she loves me.

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