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Leah's pov

Throughout the past three days.. I feel like me and jen have gotten so much closer than we already are. I'm just surprised we haven't had sex after the amount of times she's teased me. I've also been teasing her so I'm really surprised.

Today I finally agreed to go on this tour they offered and it went pretty well. At first I really didn't wanna go because yours are boring as hell but jen made it fun. All the laughing and teasing. It was all nice.. Now me and jen are at to the beach. I can't keep my eyes off of this woman's body. This isn't fair. Her body is literally perfect.

She's laying on a towel with one leg bended up and she's leaning back onto her elbows enjoying the view. She and I are both wearing a bikini. I started to put on sunblock on my arms. Then stomach and chest.  Then I sat down to do my legs and that's when jen started to look and watch me but I just saw from the corner of my eye and ignored it. Then I kneeled up and reached over for my bag to put back my sunblock and yes my ass was popping right at that moment.

"Lee.." I hear jen say in a quiet soft voice. I turn around still on my knees leaning down in my hands since I was still crawling over my bag. "Yeah?" I ask and she's biting her lip. I can't tell where she's looking because she has sunglasses on but I'm pretty sure it's at my ass. "Oh" I say and sit back down stretching my legs out and leaning back on both of my hands. We relax for a while then take our pictures that we wanted to take at the beach.

"And one more. Look to the side and run your fingers through your hair" jen says and I listen and pose the way she tells me to. Then she went on my towel as I was on it too and showed me the pictures. We were super close like my thigh was touching hers. She kept swiping slowly but then I felt her hand gently go on my thigh but she acted like it was nothing when I know she's doing it on purpose. "Look at this one I love it" she said "you look perfect!" "Eh..it's okay" I said "what? It's more than okay. Look at you" she said. I rolled my eyes while smiling then she kept showing me more pictures. Her hand slowly went a bit higher. Shit.

We just kept looking at my pictures instead of hers because she took a lot of me. They actually look really good and jen is actually staring at them. "Just send them to me. We could finish looking at them later" I say and move away from her. She looks at me and her mood changed. It got her mad and annoyed so she just went back on her towel.

We later got back to her sisters house and showered because we felt gross. Then we went out for dinner after two hours of the both of us getting ready. I wore simple light washed jeans with booties and a right off the shoulder black long sleeve. She wore dark navy blue tight dress and some louboutins and her hair just flowed straight down.

The restaurant we went to was pretty fancy. We sat outside and there was a nice calm ocean breeze which was making Jens hair fly a tiny bit making her look like a damn queen wow.
We ordered our food and jen ordered wine for the both of us which was a surprise.
"Wine?" I say. She shrugged her shoulders "why not? It's a beautiful night. The vibe made me" "haha well yea I guess." I said and she gave me a fake nervous type of smile "you look beautiful" she told me "Aw. Thank you. So do you!"

"Thaaanks" she looked away and just enjoyed the scenery. We didn't really go on our phones and just enjoyed each other's company. "It's so nice here.."

"I know right? I love it. Thank your sister for me again"

"Haha of course..this would be a perfect place for a romantic vacation with reina too." She sighed.

Okay now she wants to bring reina up? Didn't she just act like she didn't have a girlfriend these past few days? She only texts reina. They don't even call each other which is scary because reina could take better advantage of that and do some cheating around back at home.

"How is she doing back at home?" I ask her "probably fucking some slut right now...I miss her"

Now I feel bad again. But I don't get her. First she's teasing me as if she doesn't give a single fuck if she has a girlfriend and now she misses her? So confusing.

Our food arrived shortly after and we started to eat and also continue to talk. She really seemed down so I tried lightening up her mood.

"That dolphin thing we did the other day was actually fun"

"Oh yeah.. see I told you"

"I know. I should listen to you more" I giggled "yea you should"

"Sorry haha"

"It's Ok" she continued to eat and just kept looking down at her food and ended up playing with it. "What's wrong jen?"


"There's definitely something wrong..talk to me. I don't like seeing you this way especially on vacation"

"I-i don't wanna talk about it here"

"So let's talk about it back at the house then..I wanna know"

"Okay yea sure. We can do that" she said in a sad tone. "We can talk about anything you want" I say  "just don't be sad please"

"I'm not sad" she let out a fake giggle then looked back down.

"Ugh come on jen don't be like that."

"Leah I'm fine. Don't worry. Let's just finish our dinner and go home"

We were sitting on the bed face to face sitting with our legs criss crossed. Jen kept turning her head to watch tv but we were sitting like this to actually talk.

"Look at the damn tv one more time and I'll turn it off"

She looked at me and widened her eyes
"Sorry. But jen tell me whats up. Stop being so sad"

She pouted and looked down at her fingers and started playing with them. "Look at me" I say and she looks up with her eyes glistening..they're gorgeous but I feel that she's in pain. "Oh don't cry"

"I-Ugh..what am I doing Leah. I'm torturing myself. I know she doesn't love me anymore. She shows no love and doesn't even try. And I've cheated on her twice acting like it's nothing and me and her will last forever but we won't. A-and..I just don't wanna loose her. I've never fell in love with someone like her. She's like you but a lesbian and less attitude"

"Like me?" I giggle "she is not like me"

"She is! You guys both joke with me the same way..it's just she doesn't anymore because...well I don't know the reason why. She just doesn't. I mean your attitude is worst than hers but I like it..you guys almost have the same personality"

"I know reina and this is the biggest lie I'm hearing from your right now. You're crazy"

"Okay fine whatever. I didn't have a point there. Anyways-"

"Wait. What did you mean that you've never fell in love with someone like her..she's just like me but a lesbian? So that means you're in love with me but you can't be because I'm not a lesbian"

"You're for sure not straight Leah"

"Don't change the subject"

"I'm not!!"

"Well you completely avoided the important question"

She rolled her eyes and looked away
"Lemme ask you something serious"


"No Listen..does that mean youre in love with me?"

"I don't know." She mumbled barely even hearing her words. "Do you still love reina?"

"I-I don't know. Leah I don't know. Shit is too complicating right now"

"Will you answer me if I kissed you? like you've been dreading for this whole trip?" I say and she looks up at me then down to my lips. She doesn't say a thing so I just make a move and kiss her really gently and slowly. One after another. She kissed back every time. And each kiss got slower and slower till we got to the point where we wouldn't let go of each other's lips. I felt her hand go up to my face and cup it. She started giving in and got a little aggressive. Then suddenly she let go.

We just stared at each other for a few seconds without saying a word. Especially me. That kiss was amazing and I'm really surprised.

"In Love?.....i mean I might be.." she responded.

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