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Jens pov

Day 2 of our vacation. We went down to the beach and walked around. There were some shops on the way and some stands that offered tours that we can go on. But Leah, she was quite annoyed..by me. So what had happened was ..some guy was checking her out and it bothered me and I told Leah to cover her boobs a bit with her cardigan but she wouldn't listen and got irritated that I was treating her like her mother while I'm actually just caring for her good and don't want guys to hit on her. I guess I'm jealous? I don't know.

"Come on leah. If we don't go on the tour what else are we supposed to do?"

"I thought you wanted to go on that fun animal activity to go see the dolphins and shit?" She said to me with a tone. It mad me sad. She sounded mad and that's not what I wanted "I-I did" "well then let's go there instead." "Okayy"

Once we got to this activity where you get to see and touch dolphins my mood kind of changed to a bit happier. At first I was bummed because I made Leah feel somewhat annoyed but now I just forget about it.

The people who worked there explained everything about the dolphins. How they mostly love meeting friendly guests. What their background is and all that. We started to all pet the dolphins that were here but Leah just watched.

"I am not touching that gooey slimey shit"

"It's not gooey Leah" I giggled "it's gross and wet and slimey. Look how shiny it is. Hell no." She said and crossed her arms. Hmm..okay.

I stood back up from crouching by the dolphin and walked up close to leah. "Leah i-..I'm just tryna have fun with you on this vacation..out in public and back at my sisters house. So please. Just..touch the fucking dolphin."

"Hell no jennifer"

"you've touched things that are wet. Why you trippin? Like youve touched water, or my-"

"Shut up" she blurted out quick making me laugh "if you shut up I'll touch the damn dolphins"

"Ok" I say and pull her with me and she actually enjoys it. This whole day was just filled with new adventures and fun things to do in the Bahamas. We also went to an aquarium but this time I didn't force Leah to touch anything else because some of them looked gross. But we did take a lot of pictures and had lots of laughs. Everytime we saw some type of fish we would say it looks like someone we know because of the face.

We walked through this area where there is a clear wall all around and on the roof too so that all the sea animals were also swimming on top of us. Leah was on her phone looking at the pictures and walking and I was next to her walking too but looking to my left as she was on my right.

"Ow!" I hear a little voice say. I look to my right and leah kind of ran over a kid but by walking. The kid fell but Leah didn't but I helped the kid anyways and the mom didn't get mad. The mom and I were both crouching by the kid "you Okay?" I ask "y-yeah" "I'm sorry about that" I say the the Mom. She's hot. "no worries! It's getting pretty chaotic in this area so"

"Yeah honestly" I say and throw a smile to her. Then I look at Leah and she was looking down at me and squinting her eyes. I smirk and look back at the Mom and kid.

"Are you guys having fun?" I ask "yeah! We saw so many fishies and turtles. And this one sting ray kept going to me because it liked being petted" the kid said and smiled and the mom just giggled. "Aw that's cool! Well hope you're enjoying! It's really interesting here!" I say and stand up. I'm really acting as if I know what's going on here but it's my first time here.  Leah walks away after I stand up and I follow her. She's even more annoyed how cute.

Later that night after we showered we decided to watch a movie in our room. That room was huge. And it has surround sound speakers which was even better. We had brought in some snacks in the room and pigged out the whole movie.
After finishing the food I went under the sheets continuing to watch the movie. A little after Leah did the same thing but minding her own business. I was kind of bored though so I messed around and hogged the sheets away from her.

"Jennifer" she said all seriously. I didn't answer but she heard me laugh. She pulled the sheets from me and had it all to herself. My back was facing her back but I turn around and took it again and this just kept going back and forth. "I mean I could just sleep in the other room" Leah said sitting up "no stay!" I quickly reach for her waist to stop her and now I'm just laying down behind her as she's sitting up and I'm hugging her around her waist. She turns around and tries pushing me but I just pulled her down with me and she finally laughed.

"Ugh. What the hell do you want?" She asked. "You" She rolled her eyes and made me let go of her but when I did she just stayed. I thought she would leave. "You have a girlfriend" "that bitch who cheated on me?"

"Damn okay"

I giggled and just cuddled with her "now both of us could enjoy the sheets together" I said. "You-" she paused and sighed "youre too much but...I like it" I smiled and we continue watching the movie and slowly both fell asleep. I don't know why but I just love the feeling when I fall asleep with her. It's nothing new to us that we fall asleep together but that was before the sex. Now it just feels like in clinging onto her but I mean at least she likes it.

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